Syntonic–Archytas equivalence continuum

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The syntonic–Archytas equivalence continuum is a continuum of 7-limit rank-3 temperament families which equate a number of syntonic commas (81/80) with an Archytas comma (64/63). This continuum is theoretically interesting in that these are all 7-limit rank-3 temperament families supported by dominant temperament.

All temperaments in the continuum satisfy (81/80)n ~ 64/63. Varying n results in different temperament families listed in the table below. It converges to didymus as n approaches infinity. If we allow non-integer and infinite n, the continuum describes the set of all 7-limit temperament families supported by squares (due to it being the unique rank-2 temperament that tempers both commas and thus tempers all combinations of them). The just value of n is approximately 1.267726, and temperaments having n near this value will be the most accurate.

Temperament families in the continuum
n Temperament family Comma
Ratio Monzo
-1 Mint 36/35 [2 2 -1 -1
0 Archytas 64/63 [6 -2 0 -1
1/2 63 & 68 & 80 321489/327680 [16 -8 1 -2
1 Hemifamity 5120/5103 [1 5 1 -4
5/4 894 & 441 & 1106 [44 -28 5 -4
19/15 5 & 12 & 836 [166 -106 19 -15⟩
4/3 159 & 166 & 171 10763703445887/10737418240000 [-34 22 -4 3
3/2 118 & 125 & 130 2109289329/2097152000 [-24 16 -3 2
2 72 & 77 & 79 413343/409600 [-14 10 -2 1
Didymus 81/80 [-4 4 -1 0