Skip fretting system 76 2 17

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This skip fretting system for 76edo optimizes the subminor chord, 0-17-44 of 76edo.

7/6 can be found on adjacent strings, as each string is tuned 17\76 apart.

If you’re playing a 6-string with the lowest string at an arbitrary root within 76edo, the strings will be as follows, from thickest to thinnest:

0 17 34 51 68 9

Note that the thinnest string is in the next octave.

Each fret is 2\76, or 1\38. This puts the perfect 5th at the 3rd string (34\76), 5th fret (10\76). That gives us 44\76. If you want to add more notes to your chord, 59\76 (12/7) can be found on the 4th string, 4th fret. The 8ve is found on the 5th string, 4th fret. The subminor 10th is found on the 6th string, 4th fret.

A regular minor chord, with a 19\76 3rd, is also easily playable. 19\76 is found on the 2nd string, 1st fret; as well as on the 6th string, 5th fret.