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Photosynthesis is the nonoctave temperament tempering out the comma 243/(5 ϕ^8) in the ϕ.3.5 fractional subgroup, equating 5 3/1 with 5/1. It has a period of acoustic phi and a generator of a major second just flat of 3/(ϕ^2), the "phi-reduced 3rd harmonic". It possesses MOS scales of the families 3L 1s<ϕ>, 4L 3s<ϕ>, 4L 7s<ϕ>, and 11L 4s<ϕ>.

Interval chain (CTE tuning)

Generators up Cents Generators down Cents
0 0.00 0 0.00
1 224.90 1 608.19
2 449.80 2 383.29
3 674.70 3 158.39
4 66.51 4 766.58
5 291.41 5 541.68
6 516.31 6 316.78

Temperament data

Note: This data is not 100% exact, it was calculated using a very close JI approximation of acoustic phi rather than acoustic phi itself

Subgroup: ϕ.3.5

Comma list: 243/(5 ϕ^8)

Mapping: [1 1 -3], 0 1 5]]]

CTE generator: ~3/ϕ = 1057.989

Edϕs: 11, 15, 7[+5], 19[-5], 26, 5[--5], 18[+5], 23[-3, -5], 34[-3, -5], 37, 41[-3], 27[-3, -5], 49[-3, -5], 31[-3, --5]