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Opossum is an alternative extension to porcupine. It is defined by tempering out 28/27 and 126/125.

See Porcupine family #Opossum for technical data.

Tuning spectrum

Generator (¢) Comments
15/14 119.443
13/12 138.573
13/11 144.605
9/7 145.028
1\8 150.000
12/11 150.637
13/10 151.405
14/13 153.100
7/5 154.372
7/6 155.522
14/11 156.498
3\23 156.522
6/5 157.821
[0 15 6 34 -1 -15 158.421 13 limit least squares
5\38 157.895
7\53 158.491
15/13 158.710
[0 -5 3 19 158.732 7 limit least squares
8/7 159.019 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 limit minimax
18/13 159.154
[0 32 23 35 -5 -21 159.377 15 limit least squares
[0 3 2 22 159.481 9 limit least squares
1815912315/1476395008 159.564 11 limit least squares
2\15 160.000
11/8 162.171
5/4 162.737 5 limit minimax
262144/234375 162.996 5 limit least squares
16/15 163.966
11/10 165.004
15/11 165.762
4/3 166.015
11/9 173.704
16/13 179.736
10/9 182.404