Neon comma

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Interval information
Factorization 221 × 360 × 5-50
Monzo [21 60 -50
Size in cents 1.614359¢
Name neon comma
Color name laquinquinbigu 8ve
FJS name [math]-[/math]
Special properties reduced
Tenney height (log2 nd) 232.194
Weil height (log2 max(n, d)) 232.196
Wilson height (sopfr(nd)) 472
Harmonic entropy
(Shannon, [math]\sqrt{nd}[/math])
~1.22258 bits
Comma size unnoticeable
Open this interval in xen-calc

The neon comma is an unnoticeable 5-limit comma which seeds the neon temperament, and also the notable temperament deca. It is named after the 10th chemical element. Equal temperaments not divisible by 10 cannot temper it out.

The comma can be described as the difference between 10 3125/2916, sixix commas, and the octave.