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Test Template Info-Icon - Version (2).svg Module documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

This module is used to store functions for templates that generate a navigation bar:

Template:Navbar also uses this module, even though it only generates View/Talk/Edit links.

See also

local ordinal = require("Module:Ordinal")._ordinal

local p = {}

function p._navbar(name, mode, text, namespace)
	mode = mode or ""
	text = (text == nil and "" or text .. " ")
	namespace = namespace or "Template"
	local p_name = namespace .. ":" .. name
	local p_talk_name = namespace .. " talk:" .. name
	local p_edit_name = "Special:EditPage/" .. namespace .. ":".. name
	return "<span style=\"font-size: 0.8em;\">"
		.. text
		.. ((mode == "mini")
			and "[[" .. p_name .. "|V]] &bull; " .. "[[" .. p_talk_name .. "|T]] &bull; " .. "[[" .. p_edit_name .. "|E]]"
			or "[[" .. p_name .. "|View]] &bull; " .. "[[" .. p_talk_name .. "|Talk]] &bull; " .. "[[" .. p_edit_name .. "|Edit]]")
		.. "</span>"

function p.navbar(frame)
	local name = frame.args["name"]
	local namespace = frame.args["namespace"]
	local mode = frame.args["mode"]
	local text = frame.args["text"]
	return p._navbar(name, mode, text, namespace)

function p.lumatone_map(frame)
	local root_page_name = frame:preprocess("{{ROOTPAGENAME}}")
	local a = root_page_name:match("[Ll]umatone%s*[Mm]apping%s*[Ff]or%s*(%d+)%s*[Ee][Dd][2Oo]")
	local x = tonumber(frame.args["edo"]) or tonumber(a)
	local thresh = 5
	local out_str = frame:preprocess("<br />{{Navbox"
		.. "|name=Navbox Lumatone"
		.. "|Title=[[Lumatone|Lumatone mappings]]"
		.. "|Data 1={{center|"
		.. ((x >= thresh + 4) and "'''&larr;''' " or "")
		.. ((x >= thresh + 3) and "[[Lumatone mapping for " .. (x - 3) .. "edo|" .. (x - 3) .. "edo]] &bull; " or "")
		.. ((x >= thresh + 2) and "[[Lumatone mapping for " .. (x - 2) .. "edo|" .. (x - 2) .. "edo]] &bull; " or "")
		.. ((x >= thresh + 1) and "[[Lumatone mapping for " .. (x - 1) .. "edo|" .. (x - 1) .. "edo]] &bull; " or "")
		.. "'''Lumatone mapping for " .. x .. "edo''' &bull; "
		.. "[[Lumatone mapping for " .. (x + 1) .. "edo|" .. (x + 1) .. "edo]] &bull; "
		.. "[[Lumatone mapping for " .. (x + 2) .. "edo|" .. (x + 2) .. "edo]] &bull; "
		.. "[[Lumatone mapping for " .. (x + 3) .. "edo|" .. (x + 3) .. "edo]] '''&rarr;'''}}"
		.. "}}")
	if string.lower(root_page_name) ~= "navbox lumatone" then
		out_str = out_str .. " [[Category:Lumatone mappings]] [[Category:" .. x .. "edo]]"

	return out_str

function p.frac_octave(frame)
	local root_page_name = frame:preprocess("{{ROOTPAGENAME}}")
	local a = root_page_name:match("(%d+)%a+[%s%-]*[Oo]ctave%s*[Tt]emperament[s]?")
	local x = tonumber(frame.args["f"]) or tonumber(a)
	local out_str = frame:preprocess("<br />{{Navbox"
		.. "|name=Navbox fractional-octave"
		.. "|Title=[[Fractional-octave temperaments]]"
		.. "|Data 1={{center|"
		.. ((x >= 6) and "'''&larr;''' " or "")
		.. ((x >= 5) and "[[" .. ordinal(x - 4) .. "-octave temperaments|" .. ordinal(x - 4) .. "]] &bull; " or "")
		.. ((x >= 4) and "[[" .. ordinal(x - 3) .. "-octave temperaments|" .. ordinal(x - 3) .. "]] &bull; " or "")
		.. ((x >= 3) and "[[" .. ordinal(x - 2) .. "-octave temperaments|" .. ordinal(x - 2) .. "]] &bull; " or "")
		.. ((x >= 2) and "[[" .. ordinal(x - 1) .. "-octave temperaments|" .. ordinal(x - 1) .. "]] &bull; " or "")
		.. "'''" .. ordinal(x) .. "-octave''' &bull; "
		.. "[[" .. ordinal(x + 1) .. "-octave temperaments|" .. ordinal(x + 1) .. "]] &bull; "
		.. "[[" .. ordinal(x + 2) .. "-octave temperaments|" .. ordinal(x + 2) .. "]] &bull; "
		.. "[[" .. ordinal(x + 3) .. "-octave temperaments|" .. ordinal(x + 3) .. "]] &bull; "
		.. "[[" .. ordinal(x + 4) .. "-octave temperaments|" .. ordinal(x + 4) .. "]] '''&rarr;'''}}"
		.. "}}")
	return out_str

return p