Module:MOS tuning spectrum
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Note: Do not invoke this module directly; use the corresponding template instead: Template:MOS tuning spectrum.
local mos = require("Module:MOS")
local mediants = require("Module:Mediants")
local yesno = require("Module:yesno")
local getArgs = require("Module:Arguments").getArgs
local p = {}
-- Re-re-rewrite of tuning spectrum
function p._mos_tuning_spectrum(args)
local default_ratios, default_depths
local default_depth = 5
default_ratios, default_depths = mediants.find_mediants({{1,1}, {1,0}}, default_depth);
local input_mos = args["Input MOS"] or, 2)
local depth = args["Depth"]
local comments = args["Comments"] or {}
local step_ratios = args["Step Ratios"] or default_ratios
local depths = args["Depths"] or default_depths
local equave = input_mos.equave
local large_steps = input_mos.nL -- Large steps in mos
local small_steps = input_mos.ns -- Small steps in mos
local periods = mos.period_count(input_mos) -- Number of periods
-- What is the et suffix (edo, edt, edf, ed-p/q)?
local et_suffix = mos.et_suffix(input_mos)
-- Default comments for TAMNAMS-named step ratios
local default_comments = {}
local mos_as_string = mos.as_string(input_mos)
default_comments["1/1"] = string.format("'''Equalized %s'''", mos_as_string)
default_comments["4/3"] = string.format("'''Supersoft %s'''", mos_as_string)
default_comments["3/2"] = string.format("'''Soft %s'''", mos_as_string)
default_comments["5/3"] = string.format("'''Semisoft %s'''", mos_as_string)
default_comments["2/1"] = string.format("'''Basic %s'''", mos_as_string)
default_comments["5/2"] = string.format("'''Semihard %s'''", mos_as_string)
default_comments["3/1"] = string.format("'''Hard %s'''", mos_as_string)
default_comments["4/1"] = string.format("'''Superhard %s'''", mos_as_string)
default_comments["1/0"] = string.format("'''Collapsed %s'''", mos_as_string)
-- Append boundary of proper scales to basic comment, if applicable
-- Monosmall mosses and knL ns mosses are always proper, but all other mosses
-- are proper if the step ratio is within the soft-of-basic range
if periods < small_steps then
default_comments["2/1"] = default_comments["2/1"] .. "<br />Scales with tunings softer than this are proper"
-- Produce table header for the comments
local comments_header_text = "Comments"
if small_steps == 1 then
comments_header_text = comments_header_text .. "<sup><abbr title=\"Every tuning produces a proper scale.\">(always proper)</abbr></sup>"
elseif small_steps == periods and periods > 1 then
comments_header_text = comments_header_text .. "<sup><abbr title=\"Every true-mos tuning produces a proper scale.\">(always proper)</abbr></sup>"
-- Table headers
-- There are 6 columns:
-- - Steps of ED
-- - Bright and dark gens in cents
-- - Step ratio and hardness
-- - Comments
local result = "{| class=\"wikitable center-all\"\n"
.. "|+ style=\"font-size: 105%; white-space: nowrap;\" | " .. string.format("Scale tree and tuning spectrum of %s\n", mos_as_string)
.. "|-\n"
.. string.format("! rowspan=\"2\" colspan=\"%d\" | Generator<sup><abbr title=\"In steps of %s.\">(%s)</abbr></sup>\n", depth + 1, et_suffix, et_suffix)
.. "! colspan=\"2\" | Cents\n"
.. "! colspan=\"2\" | Step ratio\n"
.. "! rowspan=\"2\" | " .. comments_header_text .. "\n"
.. "|-\n"
.. "! Bright\n"
.. "! Dark\n"
.. "! L:s\n"
.. "! Hardness\n"
-- Rounding is done using string.format, to 3 decimal places (%.3f)
-- Create each row of the table
for i = 1, #step_ratios do
local step_ratio = step_ratios[i]
local et_as_string = mos.et_string(input_mos, step_ratio)
-- Calculate the bright gen and cent value
local bright_generator_steps = mos.bright_gen_to_et_steps(input_mos, step_ratio)
local bright_generator_cents = mos.bright_gen_to_cents(input_mos, step_ratio)
local bright_generator_string = mos.bright_gen_to_et_string(input_mos, step_ratio, "")
-- Calculate dark generator step count and cent value
local dark_generator_steps = mos.dark_gen_to_et_steps(input_mos, step_ratio)
local dark_generator_cents = mos.dark_gen_to_cents(input_mos, step_ratio)
-- New row
result = result .. "|-\n"
-- Cells for bright generator, as steps in et
local current_depth = depths[i] + 1
for i = 1, depth + 1 do
result = result .. "| "
if i == current_depth then
result = result .. string.format("[[%s|%s]]", et_as_string, bright_generator_string)
result = result .. "\n"
-- Cells for generators in cents
result = result .. string.format("| %.3f\n", bright_generator_cents)
result = result .. string.format("| %.3f\n", dark_generator_cents)
-- Cell for step ratio
result = result .. string.format("| %d:%d\n", step_ratio[1], step_ratio[2])
-- Cell for hardness, with divide-by-zero check
local hardness = ""
if step_ratio[2] == 0 then
hardness = "→ ∞"
hardness = string.format("%.3f", step_ratio[1] / step_ratio[2])
result = result .. string.format("| %s\n", hardness)
-- Cell for comment
-- Default comments are on their own line before custom comments
local key = step_ratios[i][1] .. "/" .. step_ratios[i][2] -- The step ratio is (literally and figuratively) the key to add comments!
local comment = ""
local default_comment = default_comments[key] or ""
local custom_comment = comments[key] or ""
if default_comment == "" then
comment = custom_comment
comment = default_comment .. "<br />" .. custom_comment
result = result .. string.format("| style=\"text-align: left;\" | %s\n", comment)
result = result .. "|}"
return result
-- Wrapper function; to be called by template
function p.mos_tuning_spectrum(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
-- Parse scalesig
local input_mos = mos.parse(args["Scale Signature"])
args["Input MOS"] = input_mos
args["Scale Signature"] = nil
-- Parse depth; default is 5
local depth = tonumber(args["Depth"]) or 5
args["Depth"] = depth
-- Parse initial ratios
local first_ratio = args["First Step Ratio"] or {1,1}
local last_ratio = args["Last Step Ratio" ] or {1,0}
-- If int limit is present, use that over searching for ratios by depth
local int_limit = tonumber(args["Int Limit"])
args["Int Limit"] = int_limit
local use_int_limit = args["Int Limit"] ~= nil
-- Then generate mediants and depths
local step_ratios, depths
if use_int_limit then
step_ratios, depths = mediants.find_mediants_by_int_limit({first_ratio, last_ratio}, int_limit)
local largest = nil
for _, value in ipairs(depths) do
if not largest or value > largest then
largest = value
args["Depth"] = largest
step_ratios, depths = mediants.find_mediants({first_ratio, last_ratio}, depth)
args["Step Ratios"] = step_ratios
args["Depths"] = depths
-- Transfer comments from args to comments
local comments = {}
for i = 1, #step_ratios do
local key = step_ratios[i][1] .. "/" .. step_ratios[i][2]
if args[key] ~= nil then
comments[key] = args[key]
args[key] = nil
args["Comments"] = comments
-- Parse debug option
local debugg = yesno(args["debug"])
-- Output
local out_str = p._mos_tuning_spectrum(args)
return frame:preprocess(debugg == true and "<pre>" .. out_str .. "</pre>" or out_str)
return p