Module:MOS intervals
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Documentation transcluded from /doc
Note: Do not invoke this module directly; use the corresponding template instead: Template:MOS intervals.
Documentation transcluded from /doc
Note: Do not invoke this module directly; use the corresponding template instead: Template:MOS intervals.
local mos = require("Module:MOS")
local rat = require("Module:Rational")
local tamnams = require("Module:TAMNAMS")
local yesno = require("Module:Yesno")
local getArgs = require("Module:Arguments").getArgs
local p = {}
-- Main function; to be called by wrapper
function p._mos_intervals(args)
-- Default param for input mos is 5L 2s
local input_mos = args["Input MOS" ] or, 2, 2)
local mos_prefix = args["MOS Prefix" ] or "mos"
local mos_abbrev = args["MOS Abbrev" ] or "m"
local is_collapsed = args["Is Collapsed"] == true
-- Get the scale sig
local scale_sig = mos.as_string(input_mos)
-- Get the brightest and darkest modes as step matrices
local bright_step_matrix = mos.mode_to_step_matrix(mos.brightest_mode(input_mos))
local dark_step_matrix = mos.mode_to_step_matrix(mos.darkest_mode(input_mos))
-- Get the number of steps per period and equave
local equave_step_count = mos.equave_step_count(input_mos)
local period_step_count = mos.period_step_count(input_mos)
-- Get the step counts for the bright and dark generators
local bright_gen_step_count = mos.bright_gen_step_count(input_mos)
local dark_gen_step_count = mos.dark_gen_step_count(input_mos)
-- Create the table
local result = '{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible' .. (is_collapsed and ' mw-collapsed"\n' or '"\n')
-- Create table title
result = result
.. '|+ style="font-size: 105%; white-space: nowrap;" | Intervals of ' .. scale_sig .. '\n'
.. '|-\n'
-- Create table headers
result = result
.. '! colspan="3" | Intervals\n'
.. '! rowspan="2" | Steps<br />subtended\n'
.. '! rowspan="2" | Range in cents\n'
.. '|-\n' -- Start of second row of header cells
.. '! Generic\n'
.. '! Specific\n'
.. '! Abbrev.\n'
-- Write each row
for i = 1, #bright_step_matrix do
-- Compare the bright and dark intervals. If they're the same, then the
-- current interval class is a period interval.
local current_bright_interval = bright_step_matrix[i]
local current_dark_interval = dark_step_matrix[i]
local is_period = mos.interval_eq(current_bright_interval, current_dark_interval)
-- If it's a period interval, then there is only one row to write.
-- Otherwise, there are two rows to write, one for each size.
if is_period then
local cents = string.format("%.1f¢", mos.interval_to_cents(current_bright_interval, input_mos, {1, 1}))
result = result
.. "|-\n"
.. "| '''" .. i-1 .. "-" .. mos_prefix .. "step'''\n"
.. "| " .. tamnams.interval_quality(current_bright_interval, input_mos, "sentence-case", mos_prefix) .. "\n"
.. "| " .. tamnams.interval_quality(current_bright_interval, input_mos, "abbrev" , mos_abbrev) .. "\n"
.. "| " .. mos.interval_as_string(current_bright_interval) .. "\n"
.. "| " .. cents .. "\n"
-- Calculate the cent values min and max for the current intervals
local sm_min_cents = mos.interval_to_cents(current_dark_interval, input_mos, {1,1})
local sm_max_cents = mos.interval_to_cents(current_dark_interval, input_mos, {1,0})
local lg_min_cents = mos.interval_to_cents(current_bright_interval, input_mos, {1,1})
local lg_max_cents = mos.interval_to_cents(current_bright_interval, input_mos, {1,0})
-- Then sort, as the min and max may be swapped
-- This happens if the dark interval has more small steps than large steps
local dark_interval_range = string.format("%.1f¢ to %.1f¢", math.min(sm_min_cents, sm_max_cents), math.max(sm_min_cents, sm_max_cents))
local bright_interval_range = string.format("%.1f¢ to %.1f¢", math.min(lg_min_cents, lg_max_cents), math.max(lg_min_cents, lg_max_cents))
result = result
.. "|-\n"
.. '| rowspan="2" | ' .. i-1 .. '-' .. mos_prefix .. 'step\n'
.. "| " .. tamnams.interval_quality(current_dark_interval, input_mos, "sentence-case", mos_prefix) .. "\n"
.. "| " .. tamnams.interval_quality(current_dark_interval, input_mos, "abbrev" , mos_abbrev) .. "\n"
.. "| " .. mos.interval_as_string(current_dark_interval) .. "\n"
.. "| " .. dark_interval_range .. "\n"
.. "|-\n"
.. "| " .. tamnams.interval_quality(current_bright_interval, input_mos, "sentence-case", mos_prefix) .. "\n"
.. "| " .. tamnams.interval_quality(current_bright_interval, input_mos, "abbrev" , mos_abbrev) .. "\n"
.. "| " .. mos.interval_as_string(current_bright_interval) .. "\n"
.. "| " .. bright_interval_range .. "\n"
result = result .. "|}"
return result
-- Wrapper function; to be called by template
function p.mos_intervals(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
-- Preprocess scalesig into input mos
local input_mos = mos.parse(args["Scale Signature"])
args["Input MOS"] = input_mos
args["Scale Signature"] = nil
-- Preprocess collapse option
args["Collapsed"] = yesno(args["Collapsed"], false)
-- Preprocess (verify) prefix/abbrev
args["MOS Prefix"] = tamnams.verify_prefix(input_mos, args["MOS Prefix"])
args["MOS Abbrev"] = tamnams.verify_abbrev(input_mos, args["MOS Abbrev"])
return p._mos_intervals(args)
return p