Module:MOS degrees
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Note: Do not invoke this module directly; use the corresponding template instead: Template:MOS degrees.
local mos = require("Module:MOS")
local rat = require("Module:Rational")
local utils = require("Module:Utils")
local mosnot = require("Module:MOS notation")
local et = require("Module:ET")
--local jiraf = require('Module:JI ratio finder')
local tamnams = require("Module:TAMNAMS")
local p = {}
-- Version 2 of the MOS degrees moudle (by ganaraminukshuk)
-- This is based more off of the MOS intervals module and older, non-tempalte tables that feature JI ratios,
-- and doesn't depend on genchains (except for note names) to calculate cent values or degree names.
-- Current TODO list:
-- - Rewrite "main function" into a underscore-prefixed function to be called
-- by lua code and a wrapper to be called by templates. (HIGH PRIORITY!!!)
-- - Adopt MOS arithmetic function (MEDIUM-PRIORITY!!!)
-- - Add support for double accidentals (low-priority)
-- - Move certain helper functions to helper modules (low-priority)
-- Helper function
-- Parses entries from a semicolon-delimited string and returns them in an array
-- TODO: Separate this and related functions (parse_pair and parse_kv_pairs) into its own module, as they're included
-- in various modules at this point, such as: scale tree, MOS modes
function p.parse_entries(unparsed)
local parsed = {}
for entry in string.gmatch(unparsed, "([^;]+)") do
local trimmed = entry:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
table.insert(parsed, trimmed) -- Add to array
return parsed
-- Helper function
-- Parses pairs of elements separated by a colon
-- A pair must be two elements or it will be returned as an empty array
function p.parse_pair(unparsed)
local parsed = {}
for entry in string.gmatch(unparsed, "([^:]+)") do
local trimmed = entry:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
table.insert(parsed, trimmed) -- Add to array
if #parsed == 2 then
return parsed
return {}
-- Helper function
-- Takes a list of semicolon-delimited pairs and returns a map
-- (or dictionary or associative array) of key-value pairs
-- Each entry is colon-delimited as key : pair
function p.parse_kv_pairs(unparsed)
-- Tokenize the string of unparsed pairs
local parsed = p.parse_entries(unparsed)
-- Then tokenize the tokens into key-value pairs
local pairs_ = {}
for i = 1, #parsed do
local pair = p.parse_pair(parsed[i])
if #pair == 2 then
pairs_[pair[1]] = pair[2]
return pairs_
-- Helper function
-- Parses up to 5 step ratios entered as text in a semicolon-delimited string,
-- where each step ratio is separated with a slash
-- EG, "2/1; 3/1; 3/2" becomes {{2, 1}, {3, 1}, {3, 2}}
-- NOTE: module relies on mosnot (mos notation) to parse step ratios
function p.parse_step_ratio(unparsed)
local parsed = {}
for entry in string.gmatch(unparsed, "([^;]+)") do
local trimmed = entry:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
table.insert(parsed, trimmed) -- Add to array
-- Parse up to 5 step ratios (hardcoded)
local max_ratios = 5
local loop_limit = math.min(max_ratios, #parsed)
local step_ratios = {}
for i = 1, loop_limit do
local ratio = mosnot.parse_step_ratio(parsed[i])
table.insert(step_ratios, ratio)
-- Return nil if the size is zero (meaning nothing was entered or parsable)
if loop_limit == 0 then
return nil
return step_ratios
-- Helper function
-- Takes in a step pattern and a quantity of mossteps and calculates the number
-- of large and small steps in that interval (or substring), returned as an
-- associative array containing the large and small step counts.
-- It's an associative array b/c that's how the brightgen function in the mos
-- module works.
function p.mosstep_pattern_to_vector(mosstep_pattern, mossteps)
local large_step_count = 0
local small_step_count = 0
for i = 1, mossteps do
local step = string.sub(mosstep_pattern, i, i)
if step == "L" then
large_step_count = large_step_count + 1
elseif step == "s" then
small_step_count = small_step_count + 1
local mosstep_vector = { ["L"] = large_step_count, ["s"] = small_step_count }
return mosstep_vector
-- Helper function
-- Takes in a mosstep (as an assoc. array containing the number of L's and s's),
-- and a step ratio (as 2-element array containing the sizes of L and s) and
-- calculates number of et-steps.
function p.interval_to_etsteps(mosstep_vector, step_ratios)
return mosstep_vector["L"] * step_ratios[1] + mosstep_vector["s"] * step_ratios[2]
-- Helper function
-- For producing row highlighting for the table
-- Alterations are highlighted, except for singy augmented/diminished intervals for generators
function p.calculate_row_colors(input_mos, number_of_alterations)
-- Default parameters for input mos and step ratio (5L 2s and 2:1 step ratio)
local input_mos = input_mos or, 4, 2)
local number_of_alterations = number_of_alterations or 1
-- Get the number of mossteps per period and equave
local mossteps_per_equave = input_mos.nL + input_mos.ns
local periods_per_equave = utils._gcd(input_mos.nL, input_mos.ns)
local mossteps_per_period = mossteps_per_equave / periods_per_equave
local row_colors = {}
for i = 1, mossteps_per_equave + 1 do
local mosstep = i - 1
local is_period = mosstep % mossteps_per_period == 0
local is_root = mosstep == 0
local is_equave = mosstep == mossteps_per_equave
-- Row colors for pre-alterations
-- If this is the root, don't add rows before it
if not is_root then
for i = 1, number_of_alterations do
table.insert(row_colors, "#eaeaff")
-- Row colors for main mossetps (default row color)
if is_period then
table.insert(row_colors, "none")
table.insert(row_colors, "none")
table.insert(row_colors, "none")
-- Row colors for post-alterations
-- If this is the equave, don't add rows after it
if not is_equave then
for i = 1, number_of_alterations do
table.insert(row_colors, "#eaeaff")
return row_colors
-- Helper function
-- Calculates note names and stores it in an associative array
-- Default notation is diamond-mos, unless it's 5L 2s, then it's standard notation
function p.calculate_note_names(input_mos, udp, note_symbols, chroma_plus_symbol, chroma_minus_symbol, number_of_alterations)
-- Default parameters for input mos and step ratio (5L 2s and 2:1 step ratio)
local input_mos = input_mos or, 2)
local udp = udp or {5,2}
local note_symbols = note_symbols or "CDEFGAB"
local chroma_plus_symbol = chroma_plus_symbol or "#"
local chroma_minus_symbol = chroma_minus_symbol or "b"
local number_of_alterations = number_of_alterations or 0
-- Get the number of mossteps per period and equave
local mossteps_per_equave = input_mos.nL + input_mos.ns
local periods_per_equave = utils._gcd(input_mos.nL, input_mos.ns)
local mossteps_per_period = mossteps_per_equave / periods_per_equave
-- Get the number of generators going up and down from the UDP
local generators_up = udp[1]
local generators_down = udp[2]
-- How long is the inital genchain for notes without accidentals?
local gens_up_per_period = generators_up / periods_per_equave
local gens_down_per_period = generators_down / periods_per_equave
-- How long should the genchain extend after the initial genchain?
-- The initial genchain lengths are determined by the U and D in the UDP
-- The final genchain length is the following: (x + y) * (alterations + 1)
local ascending_genchain_length = (mossteps_per_period) * (number_of_alterations + 1)
local descending_genchain_length = (mossteps_per_period) * (number_of_alterations + 1)
-- Get the ascending and descending genchains
-- The genchains are notationally agnostic so notation needs to be applied to them
local ascending_genchain = mosnot.mos_nomacc_chain(input_mos, gens_up_per_period, ascending_genchain_length, true)
local descending_genchain = mosnot.mos_nomacc_chain(input_mos, gens_down_per_period, descending_genchain_length, false)
-- Also get the ascending and descending degreechains
-- These chains are encoded in a numeric form and must be converted into actual names
local ascending_degchain = mosnot.mos_degree_chain(input_mos, ascending_genchain_length, true)
local descending_degchain = mosnot.mos_degree_chain(input_mos, descending_genchain_length, false)
-- Create an empty asoociative array
local note_names = {}
-- Add the notes to the array
for j = 1, periods_per_equave do
for i = 1, #ascending_genchain[j] do
-- Convert the notationally agnostic form into a form that uses given notation
local note = ascending_genchain[j][i]
local note_symbol = string.sub(note_symbols, note["Mossteps"] + 1, note["Mossteps"] + 1)
local chroma_count = note["Chromas"]
local note_name = note_symbol .. string.rep(chroma_plus_symbol, chroma_count)
-- Convert the encoded degree into text
local degree_encoded = ascending_degchain[j][i]
local degree_decoded = mosnot.decode_mosstep_quality(degree_encoded, "m", "mosdegree", "abbreviated")
-- Add to note names
note_names[degree_decoded] = note_name
for i = 1, #descending_genchain[j] do
-- Convert the notationally agnostic form into a form that uses given notation
local note = descending_genchain[j][i]
local note_symbol = string.sub(note_symbols, note["Mossteps"] + 1, note["Mossteps"] + 1)
local chroma_count = note["Chromas"] * -1
local note_name = note_symbol .. string.rep(chroma_minus_symbol, chroma_count)
-- Convert the encoded degree into text
local degree_encoded = descending_degchain[j][i]
-- For the descending chain, any mossteps that correspond to the root of
-- a period should correspond instead to the root one period up (EG, if
-- the root refers to the unison for a single-period mos, it should be
-- the degree one octave up)
if degree_encoded["Mossteps"] % mossteps_per_period == 0 then
-- Transpose the mosstep by one period
degree_encoded["Mossteps"] = degree_encoded["Mossteps"] + mossteps_per_period
-- Correct the note name based on whether it should be a note that is
-- one period up. If the mos is single-period, then do not transpose.
if degree_encoded["Mossteps"] % mossteps_per_period == 0 and degree_encoded["Mossteps"] == 0 then
-- Correct the note name
note_symbol = string.sub(note_symbols, 1, 1)
note_name = note_symbol .. string.rep(chroma_minus_symbol, chroma_count)
elseif degree_encoded["Mossteps"] % mossteps_per_period == 0 and degree_encoded["Mossteps"] == 0 then
-- Correct the note name
note_symbol = string.sub(note_symbols, degree_encoded["Mossteps"] + 1, degree_encoded["Mossteps"] + 1)
note_name = note_symbol .. string.rep(chroma_minus_symbol, chroma_count)
-- Pass the encoded degree, along with the other args
local degree_decoded = mosnot.decode_mosstep_quality(degree_encoded, "m", "mosdegree", "abbreviated")
-- Add to note names
note_names[degree_decoded] = note_name
return note_names
-- Helper function; generate the step vectors for every interval required for the table
function p.calculate_mosstep_vectors(input_mos, number_of_alterations)
-- Default params
local input_mos = input_mos or, 2)
local number_of_alterations = number_of_alterations or 0
-- Get the brightest mode
local brightest_mode = mos.brightest_mode(input_mos)
-- Get the number of mossteps per period and equave
local mossteps_per_equave = (input_mos.nL + input_mos.ns)
local mossteps_per_period = mossteps_per_equave / utils._gcd(input_mos.nL, input_mos.ns)
-- Add intervals and their alterations, using the large interval size as the zero point for alterations
local mosstep_vectors = {}
for i = 1, mossteps_per_equave + 1 do
local mossteps = i - 1
-- Consecutive alterations are always one chroma apart
-- With a perfect non-generator interval, alterations are added by going down and up the same amount
-- With all other intervals, since there are two sizes and the large interval size is treated as the zero point,
-- alterations are instead by going down n+1 chromas, then going up n chromas
-- With the unison, don't go down (only up), and with the equave, don't go up (only down).
local min_alterations = 0
local max_alterations = 0
if mossteps == 0 then
-- Unison; the min number of alterations is 0
min_alterations = 0
max_alterations = number_of_alterations
elseif mossteps == mossteps_per_equave then
-- Equave; the max number of alterations is 0
min_alterations = -number_of_alterations
max_alterations = 0
elseif mossteps % mossteps_per_period == 0 then
-- Non-unison non-equave periods; the max and min have the "distance" from the zero point
min_alterations = -number_of_alterations
max_alterations = number_of_alterations
-- All other intervals; the min's distance is one more than the max's distance
min_alterations = -number_of_alterations - 1
max_alterations = number_of_alterations
-- Get the current mosstep vector based on the brightest mode
local current_mosstep_vector = p.mosstep_pattern_to_vector(brightest_mode, mossteps)
for j = min_alterations, max_alterations do
-- j is the number of chromas to add or subtract from the base vector
-- Since a chroma is defined as (L-s), add j large steps and subtract j small steps from the current mosstep vector
local L_count = current_mosstep_vector["L"] + j
local s_count = current_mosstep_vector["s"] - j
local current_mosstep_vector = { ["L"] = L_count, ["s"] = s_count }
table.insert(mosstep_vectors, current_mosstep_vector)
return mosstep_vectors
-- Helper function; generate the mosdegree names and their abbreviations for the mos
function p.calculate_mosdegree_names_and_abbrevs(input_mos, mos_prefix, number_of_alterations)
-- Default params
local input_mos = input_mos or, 2)
local number_of_alterations = number_of_alterations or 0
local mos_prefix = mos_prefix or "mos"
-- Get the number of mossteps per period and equave
local mossteps_per_equave = (input_mos.nL + input_mos.ns)
local mossteps_per_period = mossteps_per_equave / utils._gcd(input_mos.nL, input_mos.ns)
-- Get the step counts for the bright and dark generators
local bright_gen = mos.bright_gen(input_mos)
local mossteps_per_bright_gen = bright_gen["L"] + bright_gen["s"]
local mossteps_per_dark_gen = mossteps_per_period - mossteps_per_bright_gen
-- Main loop
-- Interval qualities depend on whether the intervals are generators or if there is only one size.
-- Cases for which there are alterations either below or above the main interval sizes, but not both:
-- - If the interval class is the unison, there are no extensions before it and there is only one size (perfect).
-- - If the interval class is the equave, there are no extensions after it and there is only one size (perfect).
-- Cases for which there are alterations above and below the main interval sizes:
-- - If the interval class is a non-unison non-equave period, there are extensions before and after and there is only one size (perfect).
-- - If the interval class is a non-generator interval, or is the generator for an nL ns mos, there are extensions before and after and the sizes are major and minor.
-- - If the interval class is the bright generator, there are extensions before and after and the sizes are perfect (large) and diminished (small).
-- - If the interval class is the dark generator, there are extensions before and after and the sizes are augmented (large) and perfect (small).
local mosdegree_names = {}
local mosdegree_abbrevs = {}
for i = 1, mossteps_per_equave + 1 do
-- For calculating mossteps
local mossteps = i - 1
-- For bright and dark gens
local is_nL_ns = input_mos.nL == input_mos.ns
local is_bright_gen = mossteps % mossteps_per_period == mossteps_per_bright_gen and not is_nL_ns
local is_dark_gen = mossteps % mossteps_per_period == mossteps_per_dark_gen and not is_nL_ns
if mossteps % mossteps_per_period == 0 then
-- For perfect intervals
-- Operation for pre-alterations (diminshed degrees)
if number_of_alterations > 0 and mossteps ~= 0 then
for j = number_of_alterations, 1, -1 do
-- Diminished degree is formatted as "Diminished degree"; more than 1 augmentation is "2× Diminished", "3× Diminished", and so on
local dim_degree = ""
if j == 1 then dim_degree = string.format("Diminished %d-%sdegree", mossteps, mos_prefix)
else dim_degree = string.format("%d× Diminished %d-%sdegree", j, mossteps, mos_prefix)
-- Format abbreviation as repetitions of the letter "d", followed by the mosdegree
local dim_abbrev = string.rep("d", j) .. string.format("%dmd", mossteps)
-- Insert
table.insert(mosdegree_names, dim_degree)
table.insert(mosdegree_abbrevs, dim_abbrev)
-- Calculate the main degree name and abbreviation
local degree_name = string.format("Perfect %d-%sdegree", mossteps, mos_prefix)
local abbrev_name = string.format("P%dmd", mossteps)
-- Main operation
table.insert(mosdegree_names, degree_name)
table.insert(mosdegree_abbrevs, abbrev_name)
-- Operation for post-alterations (augmented degrees)
if number_of_alterations > 0 and mossteps ~= mossteps_per_equave then
for j = 1, number_of_alterations do
-- Augmented degree is formatted as "Augmented degree"; more than 1 augmentation is "2× Augmented", "3× Augmented", and so on
local aug_degree = ""
if j == 1 then aug_degree = string.format("Augmented %d-%sdegree", mossteps, mos_prefix)
else aug_degree = string.format("%d× Augmented %d-%sdegree", j, mossteps, mos_prefix)
-- Format abbreviation as repetitions of the letter "A", followed by the mosdegree
local aug_abbrev = string.rep("A", j) .. string.format("%dmd", mossteps)
-- Insert
table.insert(mosdegree_names, aug_degree)
table.insert(mosdegree_abbrevs, aug_abbrev)
-- For intervals with two sizes
-- Operation for pre-alterations (diminshed degrees)
if number_of_alterations > 0 and mossteps ~= 0 then
for j = number_of_alterations, 1, -1 do
-- The number of diminishings depends on whether the interval class is the bright gen; if so,
-- then one interval will already be diminished so intervals below that already start at 2xdim.
local dim_amount = 0
if is_bright_gen then dim_amount = 1 + j
else dim_amount = j
-- Diminished degree is formatted as "Diminished degree"; more than 1 augmentation is "2× Diminished", "3× Diminished", and so on
local dim_degree = ""
if dim_amount == 1 then dim_degree = string.format("Diminished %d-%sdegree", mossteps, mos_prefix)
else dim_degree = string.format("%d× Diminished %d-%sdegree", dim_amount, mossteps, mos_prefix)
-- Format abbreviation as repetitions of the letter "d", followed by the mosdegree
local dim_abbrev = string.rep("d", dim_amount) .. string.format("%dmd", mossteps)
-- Insert
table.insert(mosdegree_names, dim_degree)
table.insert(mosdegree_abbrevs, dim_abbrev)
-- Calculate the small and large names and abbreviations
-- Non-generator intervals for non-nL-ns mosses are minor (small) and major (large)
local small_degree_label = "Minor"
local large_degree_label = "Major"
local small_degree_abbrev = "m"
local large_degree_abbrev = "M"
if is_bright_gen then
-- Bright gen: diminished (small) and perfect (large)
small_degree_label = "Diminished"
large_degree_label = "Perfect"
small_degree_abbrev = "d"
large_degree_abbrev = "P"
elseif is_dark_gen then
-- Dark gen: perfect (small) and augmentd (large)
small_degree_label = "Perfect"
large_degree_label = "Augmented"
small_degree_abbrev = "P"
large_degree_abbrev = "A"
-- Main operation
local small_degree_name = string.format("%s %d-%sdegree", small_degree_label, mossteps, mos_prefix)
local large_degree_name = string.format("%s %d-%sdegree", large_degree_label, mossteps, mos_prefix)
local small_abbrev_name = string.format("%s%dmd", small_degree_abbrev, mossteps)
local large_abbrev_name = string.format("%s%dmd", large_degree_abbrev, mossteps)
table.insert(mosdegree_names, small_degree_name)
table.insert(mosdegree_names, large_degree_name)
table.insert(mosdegree_abbrevs, small_abbrev_name)
table.insert(mosdegree_abbrevs, large_abbrev_name)
-- Operation for post-alterations (augmented degrees)
if number_of_alterations > 0 and mossteps ~= mossteps_per_equave then
for j = 1, number_of_alterations do
-- The number of augmentings depends on whether the interval class is the dark gen; if so,
-- then one interval will already be augmented so intervals above that already start at 2xaug.
local aug_amount = 0
if is_dark_gen then aug_amount = 1 + j
else aug_amount = j
-- Augmented degree is formatted as "Augmented degree"; more than 1 augmentation is "2× Augmented", "3× Augmented", and so on
local aug_degree = ""
if aug_amount == 1 then aug_degree = string.format("Augmented %d-%sdegree", mossteps, mos_prefix)
else aug_degree = string.format("%d× Augmented %d-%sdegree", aug_amount, mossteps, mos_prefix)
-- Format abbreviation as repetitions of the letter "A", followed by the mosdegree
local aug_abbrev = string.rep("A", aug_amount) .. string.format("%dmd", mossteps)
-- Insert
table.insert(mosdegree_names, aug_degree)
table.insert(mosdegree_abbrevs, aug_abbrev)
return mosdegree_names, mosdegree_abbrevs
-- Separate function for testing; the main "frame" function will call this
function p.mos_degrees(input_mos, step_ratios, mos_prefix, show_abbreviations, number_of_alterations, ji_ratios, udp, notation, show_notation)
-- Default params; all parameters are already parsed
local input_mos = input_mos or, 2)
local step_ratios = step_ratios or {{2,1}, {3,1}, {3,2}}
local mos_prefix = mos_prefix or "mos"
local show_abbrevs = show_abbreviations == 1
local number_of_alterations = number_of_alterations or 1
local ji_ratios = ji_ratios or {["P0md"]="1/1"}
local udp = udp or {5,1}
local notation = notation or mosnot.parse_notation("CDEFGAB; #; b")
local show_notation = show_notation == 1
-- Get the scale sig
local scale_sig = mos.as_string(input_mos)
-- Get the brightest and darkest modes for the mos
local brightest_mode = mos.brightest_mode(input_mos)
local darkest_mode = string.reverse(brightest_mode)
-- Get the number of mossteps per period and equave, and periods per equave
local mossteps_per_equave = (input_mos.nL + input_mos.ns)
local periods_per_equave = utils._gcd(input_mos.nL, input_mos.ns)
local mossteps_per_period = mossteps_per_equave / periods_per_equave
-- Get the step counts for the bright and dark generators
local bright_gen = mos.bright_gen(input_mos)
local steps_per_bright_gen = bright_gen["L"] + bright_gen["s"]
local steps_per_dark_gen = mossteps_per_period - steps_per_bright_gen
-- Get the step counts as a vector (or associative array, rather)
local input_mos_step_vector = {["L"] = input_mos.nL, ["s"] = input_mos.ns}
-- What's the equave in cents?
local equave_in_cents = rat.cents(input_mos.equave)
-- How many decimal places to round to? (hardcoded)
local round = 1
-- Precalculate row colors
local row_colors = p.calculate_row_colors(input_mos, number_of_alterations)
-- Precalculate the ets for each step ratio
-- Each et is used to calculate a scale degree's cent value
local ets_for_mos = {}
for i = 1, #step_ratios do
local etsteps = p.interval_to_etsteps(input_mos_step_vector, step_ratios[i])
local et_for_mos =, input_mos.equave)
table.insert(ets_for_mos, et_for_mos)
-- Precalculate degree names, degree abbreviations, and mosstep vectors
local degree_names, degree_abbrevs = p.calculate_mosdegree_names_and_abbrevs(input_mos, mos_prefix, number_of_alterations)
local mosstep_vectors = p.calculate_mosstep_vectors(input_mos, number_of_alterations)
-- Precalculate default comments for JI ratios; there's only two entries here
local default_ji_comments = {}
default_ji_comments["P0md"] = "1/1 (exact)"
default_ji_comments[string.format("P%dmd", mossteps_per_equave)] = string.format("%s (exact)", rat.as_ratio(input_mos.equave))
-- Then, using the UDP, get the notation
-- The default notation is either standard notation (for 5L 2s) or diamond-mos (most other mosses)
-- If notation is passed in, use that instead
-- If no notation is passed in, notation will not be displayed
local note_names = {}
local root_note = ""
if show_notation then
note_names = p.calculate_note_names(input_mos, udp, notation["Naturals"], notation["Sharp"], notation["Flat"], number_of_alterations)
root_note = string.sub(notation["Naturals"], 1, 1)
-- Create the table, starting with the headers
local result = "{| class=\"wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed\"\n"
-- First row
result = result
.. "|+ style=\"font-size: 105%%; white-space: nowrap;\" | " .. string.format("Scale degree of %s\n", scale_sig)
.. "|-\n"
.. "! rowspan=\"2\" class=\"unsortable\" | Scale degree\n"
-- Add column for abbreviations
-- Abbreviations do not use a mos-prefix or mos-name
if show_abbrevs then
result = result .. "! rowspan=\"2\" class=\"unsortable\" | Abbrev.\n"
-- Add column for note names
if show_notation then
result = result .. string.format("! rowspan=\"2\" class=\"unsortable\" | On %s\n", root_note)
-- Add column headers for up to 5 different step ratios
for i = 1, #step_ratios do
-- Step ratio names, for reference
local tamnams_step_ratios = {
["1:1"] = "Equalized",
["4:3"] = "Supersoft",
["3:2"] = "Soft",
["5:3"] = "Semisoft",
["2:1"] = "Basic",
["5:2"] = "Semihard",
["3:1"] = "Hard",
["4:1"] = "Superhard",
["1:0"] = "Collapsed",
-- Get name for step ratio
local step_ratio_simplified = mosnot.simplify_step_ratio(step_ratios[i])
local step_ratio_key = step_ratio_simplified[1] .. ":" .. step_ratio_simplified[2]
local step_ratio_name = tamnams_step_ratios[step_ratio_key]
-- Calculate the et for the mos with a given step ratio; this is needed to produce
-- the name for the et/edo
local et_for_mos =[i].size, input_mos.equave)
local et_as_string = et.as_string(et_for_mos)
-- Add the step ratio name if there is one
if step_ratio_name == nil then
result = result .. "! colspan=\"2\" | " .. et_as_string .. " (L:s = " .. step_ratio_key .. ")\n"
result = result .. "! colspan=\"2\" | " .. et_as_string .. " (" .. step_ratio_name .. ", L:s = " .. step_ratio_key .. ")\n"
-- Add JI ratio column header
result = result .. "! rowspan=\"2\" class=\"unsortable\" | Approx. JI Ratios\n"
-- Second row
result = result .. "|-\n"
-- Add headers for the steps and cents up to 5 times
for i = 1, #step_ratios do
result = result .. "! Steps\n"
result = result .. "! Cents\n"
-- Add in successive rows, containing the degree name, abbreviation (if applicable),
-- note names (if applicable), step size (in steps and cents), and JI ratio
for i = 1, #degree_names do
-- Start new row
-- Add row highlighting if provided
local row_color = row_colors[i]
if row_color == "" then
result = result .. "|-\n"
result = result .. string.format("|- style=\"background: %s\"\n", row_color)
-- Add degree name
-- Make the text bold if the interval is a perfect interval
local degree_name = degree_names[i]
if string.find(degree_name, "Perfect") then
if i == 1 then
result = result .. string.format("| '''%s (unison)'''\n", degree_names[i])
elseif i == #degree_names and equave_in_cents == 1200 then
result = result .. string.format("| '''%s (octave)'''\n", degree_names[i])
elseif i == #degree_names and equave_in_cents ~= 1200 then
result = result .. string.format("| '''%s (equave)'''\n", degree_names[i])
result = result .. string.format("| '''%s'''\n", degree_names[i])
result = result .. string.format("| %s\n", degree_names[i])
-- Add abbrev if allowed
local degree_abbrev = degree_abbrevs[i]
if show_abbrevs then
result = result .. string.format("| %s\n", degree_abbrev)
-- Add note names if allowed
-- Use the degree_abbrev as the key when accessing key-value pairs
if show_notation then
result = result .. string.format("| %s\n", note_names[degree_abbrev])
-- Add mossteps and cent values
-- Rounding is hardcoded to one decimal place
-- Also record the cent value for JI ratio search
local round = 1
local average_cents = 0
for j = 1, #ets_for_mos do
local etsteps = mosstep_vectors[i]["L"] * step_ratios[j][1] + mosstep_vectors[i]["s"] * step_ratios[j][2]
local cents = utils._round_dec(et.cents(ets_for_mos[j], etsteps), round)
result = result .. string.format("| %s\n", etsteps)
result = result .. string.format("| %s\n", cents)
average_cents = average_cents + cents / #ets_for_mos
-- Calculate JI ratio approximations using jiraf module
-- For now:
-- - Cent value is the average of the sizes given the step ratios
-- - Tolerance is hardcoded to +/-15 cents
-- - Prime limit is hardocoded to 19
-- - Odd limit hardcoded to 49
--local approx_ratios = jiraf.find_ratios_for_cents(average_cents, 15, 19, 39)
--local ratios_as_text = jiraf.ratios_to_text(approx_ratios);
-- Add JI ratios if any
local ji_comment_entry = ""
local default_ji_comment = default_ji_comments[degree_abbrev]
-- Add ratios found using jiraf
local entered_ji_comment = ji_ratios[degree_abbrev]
--local default_ji_comment = nil
--local entered_ji_comment = ratios_as_text
if default_ji_comment == nil and entered_ji_comment == nil then
-- No comments
result = result .. "|\n"
elseif default_ji_comment ~= nil and entered_ji_comment == nil then
-- Default comments but no entered comments
result = result .. string.format("| %s\n", default_ji_comment)
elseif default_ji_comment == nil and entered_ji_comment ~= nil then
-- Entered comments but no default comments
result = result .. string.format("| %s\n", entered_ji_comment)
-- Both comments present; default comments take precedence
result = result .. string.format("| %s, %s\n", default_ji_comment, entered_ji_comment)
-- End of table
result = result .. "|}"
return result
-- This function is to be called by a template, with parameters
function p.mos_degrees_frame(frame)
-- Default param for input mos is 5L 2s
local input_mos = mos.parse(frame.args["Scale Signature"]) or, 5, 2)
-- Get the scale sig; for calculating the mos prefix
local scale_sig = mos.as_string(input_mos)
-- Get the step ratio
local step_ratios = p.parse_step_ratio(frame.args["Step Ratio"]) or p.parse_step_ratio("2/1")
-- Default param for mos prefix
-- If "NONE" is given, no prefix will be used
-- If left blank, try to find the appropriate mos prefix, or else defualt to "mos"
-- If not left blank, use the prefix passed in instead
local mos_prefix = "mos"
if frame.args["MOS Prefix"] == "NONE" then
mos_prefix = ""
elseif string.len(frame.args["MOS Prefix"]) == 0 then
mos_prefix_lookup = tamnams.lookup_prefix(input_mos) or ""
if string.len(mos_prefix_lookup) ~= 0 then
mos_prefix = mos_prefix_lookup
mos_prefix = frame.args["MOS Prefix"]
-- Get whether to display abbreviations
local show_abbreviations = 0
if frame.args["Show Abbreviations"] == "1" or frame.args["Show Abbreviations"] == 1 then
show_abbreviations = 1
-- Get the number of alterations
local number_of_alterations = 0
if string.len(frame.args["Number of Alterations"]) ~= 0 then
number_of_alterations = tonumber(frame.args["Number of Alterations"])
-- Get JI ratios
local ji_ratios_parsed = {}
if #frame.args["JI Ratios"] > 0 then
-- If the comments can't be parsed, default to an empty table
ji_ratios_parsed = p.parse_kv_pairs(frame.args["JI Ratios"]) or {}
-- Get the number of mossteps per period and equave, and periods per equave
-- Needed for calculating default UDP and notation
local mossteps_per_equave = (input_mos.nL + input_mos.ns)
local periods_per_equave = utils._gcd(input_mos.nL, input_mos.ns)
local mossteps_per_period = mossteps_per_equave / periods_per_equave
-- Get UDP
-- If no UDP is found, a default will be calculated as the middle mode, or the
-- brighter of two middle modes (as with an even number of modes in a mos)
local udp_parsed = { periods_per_equave * math.ceil((mossteps_per_period - 1)/ 2), periods_per_equave * math.floor((mossteps_per_period - 1) / 2) }
if scale_sig == "5L 2s" then
udp_parsed = { 5, 1 }
if #frame.args["UDP"] > 0 then
udp_parsed = mosnot.parse_udp(frame.args["UDP"])
-- Get notation
-- This also determines whether to show notation
-- Typing in "Default" is a shortcut to default notation, wherein standard notation (for 5L 2s) or diamond-mos (for other mosses) is used
local notation_parsed = {}
local show_notation = 0
if #frame.args["Notation"] > 0 then
if frame.args["Notation"] == "Default" and scale_sig == "5L 2s" then
notation_parsed = { ["Naturals"] = "CDEFGAB", ["Sharp"] = "#", ["Flat"] = "b" }
show_notation = 1
elseif frame.args["Notation"] == "Default" and scale_sig ~= "5L 2s" then
local default_nominals = "JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
notation_parsed = { ["Naturals"] = string.sub(default_nominals, 1, mossteps_per_equave), ["Sharp"] = "&", ["Flat"] = "@" }
show_notation = 1
notation_parsed = mosnot.parse_notation(frame.args["Notation"])
if notation_parsed ~= nil then
show_notation = 1
result = p.mos_degrees(input_mos, step_ratios, mos_prefix, show_abbreviations, number_of_alterations, ji_ratios_parsed, udp_parsed, notation_parsed, show_notation)
return result
return p