Ivor Darreg

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Ivor Darreg (May 5, 1917 – February 12, 1994) was a leading composer, instrument builder and theorist. He made microtonal music from 1936[1] or 1937[2] until his death in 1994.

Around 1967, he coined the term xenharmonic[3].

He was the Johnny Appleseed of xen; he personally guided many people, and networked with cassette tapes before World Wide Web. The informal meetings he held with Glen Prior starting around 1958 later evolved into the Xenharmonic Alliance[4].

Johnny Reinhard had about 90 cassette tapes of Ivor given to Johnny by Ivor, with the instructions to get it out to the world. Johnny has released the contents of some of these tapes on Bandcamp in 2018 and 2019 (see Ivor Darreg Originals below), with more to be released soon. The remainder of the collection is in the AFMM's microtonal archive in Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina.


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