Fraenkel word

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In combinatorics on words, the Fraenkel word over n letters [math]\mathbf{0}, \mathbf{1}, ..., (\mathbf{n-1})[/math] is defined recursively by

[math]\displaystyle{ \begin{align*} F_0 &= \epsilon, \\ F_1 &= \mathbf{0}, \\ F_2 &= \mathbf{010}, \\ F_3 &= \mathbf{0102010}, \\ &\ \ \vdots \\ F_{n} &= F_{n-1}(\mathbf{n-1})F_{n-1}, \end{align*}} [/math]

where ε is the empty word. Fraenkel words may be encountered as exceptional examples of scale properties alongside larger families, e.g. for the maximum/strict variety 3 and balance properties.

Fraenkel words are named after mathematician Aviezri S. Fraenkel.


Below we denote the length of a word w by |w| and the number of occurrences of the letter i in w as |w|i, as is standard notation in combinatorics on words. The notation w(u0, ..., ur−1) represents the word w in 0, 1, ..., r−1 but with i replaced by the word ui.

Fraenkel words are balanced

Theorem — As circular words, Fraenkel words are balanced.

The theorem will be a consequence of the following lemmas:

Lemma — Let Fn denote the non-circular Fraenkel word on n letters. For n ≥ 1 and 0 ≤ in − 1, the letter i appears once every 2i+1 letters in Fn; i.e. in every subword of the form iwi, |w| = 2i+1 − 1.

We prove this by induction on n. The n = 1 case being trivial, for n > 1 we start by observing that i always occurs as the greatest letter of a subword that is the Fraenkel word Fi+1, and Fi+1 is always flanked (on at least one side) by letters that are greater. This subword iFi is not a suffix of Fn, and we thus have


where k > i, and F0 is the empty word. Since k occurs as the middle letter of Fk+1, there is a copy of Fk that follows k; Fk has Fi as a prefix. Thus Fn has a subword


as desired, since |Fi| = 2i − 1. [math]\square[/math]

Lemma — For all n ≥ 1, 0 ≤ in − 1, and 1 ≤ |w| ≤ 2n/2 − 2, the following holds for any subword w of Fn:

  1. If |w| ≡ 0 mod 2i+1, then |w|i = |w|/2i+1.
  2. If |w| ≢ 0 mod 2i+1, then |w|i = either floor(|w|/2i+1) or ceil(|w|/2i+1).
    • More precisely, if for a given i we have w = uv or vu where u is a possibly empty word whose length is 0 mod 2i+1, and v is a nonempty word intersecting the middle of an Fi+1, then |w|i = ceil(|w|/2i+1). Otherwise, |w|i = floor(|w|/2i+1).
We use the previous lemma. In the first case, w is guaranteed to have exactly k-many is where |w| = k2i+1. In the second case, if k2i+1 < |w| < (k + 1)2i+1 and w = uv or vu where |u| ≡ 0 mod 2i+1, then u satisfies |u|i = k2i+1/2i+1 = k by the previous case. Thus |w|i is determined by |v|i, which is 1 if v contains the i in the middle of Fi, implying |w|i = ceil(|w|/2i+1), and 0 otherwise, implying |w|i = floor(|w|/2i+1). [math]\square[/math]

Lemma — Let [Fn] denote the circular Fraenkel word on n letters. Suppose w is a proper subword of [Fn] such that w = uv where u is a nonempty suffix of Fn and v is a nonempty prefix of Fn. For 1 ≤ |w| ≤ 2n/2 − 2, either |w|i = ceil(|w|/2i+1) or ceil(|w|/2i+1) − 1.

There are 2 cases:
  1. Both |u| and |v| are 0 mod 2i+1.
  2. At least one of |u| and |v| is not 0 mod 2i+1.

In case 1, by the preceding lemma |u|i = |u|/2i+1 and |v|i = |v|/2i+1, and hence |w|i = |w|/2i+1 = ceil(|w|/2i+1).

In case 2, suppose w = ustv where st is as in case 1 and |u| and |v| are less than 2i+1. Neither u nor v can contain an i, as they are subwords of Fi. Using |st| = |st|i2i+1, we have

|st|i2i+1 < |w| = |st|i2i+1 + |u| + |v| ≤ |st|i2i+1+ 2i+1 − 2,


|w|i ≥ |st|i = |st|/2i+1 = ceil(|w|/2i+1) − 1.

On the other hand, |w|i < ceil(|w|/2i+1), lest u or v have an i. Therefore |w|i = ceil(|w|/2i+1) − 1. [math]\square[/math]

Open problems

Fraenkel's conjecture

For circular words (equivalently, infinite periodic words), Fraenkel's conjecture asserts that the only balanced circular words over n ≥ 3 letters with letter occurrences pairwise distinct are (letter reassignments of) [math]F_n.[/math][1] The conjecture is known to be true for 3 ≤ n ≤ 7.

Other conjectures

Conjecture: Let MV(s) denote the maximum variety of the circular word s. Then {MV(F2k−1), MV(F2k), MV(F2k+1)} is an arithmetic progression with common difference f2k (the 2k-th Fibonacci number: 1, 3, 8, 21, ...) for every k ≥ 1.

Conjecture: For all k > 0, MV(Fkn) = fk+1.

Let Gk be a modified Fraenkel word, defined by

[math]\displaystyle{ \begin{align*} G_0 &= \epsilon, \\ G_1 &= \mathbf{0}, \\ G_2 &= \mathbf{01010}, \\ G_3 &= \mathbf{01010201010201010}, \\ &\ \ \vdots \\ G_{n} &= G_{n-1}(\mathbf{n-1})G_{n-1}(\mathbf{n-1})G_{n-1}. \end{align*}} [/math]

Conjecture: For all k > 1, MV(Gk) = 3×2k-1-1.

Conjecture: For all k > 1, MV(Gkn) = 2k.

See also


  1. Bulgakova, D. V., Buzhinsky, N., & Goncharov, Y. O. (2023). On balanced and abelian properties of circular words over a ternary alphabet. Theoretical Computer Science, 939, 227-236.