Ellis' interval table

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Table of musical intervals from Helmholtz's On the Sensations of Tone, added by translator Alexander Ellis

Intervals Ellis' Interval Names Helmholtz's Notation Ellis's Notation of Intervals, reckoned from c Ratio Cents
Unison Unison c:c 1:1 0
Minor Second Tempered minor Second ||c:c# 100
Minor Seocnd Just minor Second b1:c' 15:16 112
Major Second Minor Tone d:e1 9:10 182
Major Second Tempered major Second or whole Tone ||c:d 200
Major Second Major Tone c:d 8:9 204
Major Second Diminished minor Third 225:256 224
Minor Third Augmented Tone 64:75 274
Minor Third Pythagorean minor Third 27:32 294
Minor Third Tempered minor Third 300
Minor Third Just minor Third 5:6 316
Major Third Just major Third 4:5 386
Major Third Tempered major Third 400
Major Third Diminished Fourth 25:32 428
Fourth Just Fourth 3:4 498
Fourth Tempered Fourth 500
Fourth Acute Fourth 20:27 520
Sharp Fourth or Flat Fifth Superfluous Fourth 18:25 568
Sharp Fourth or Flat Fifth False Fourth or Tritone 32:45 590
Sharp Fourth or Flat Fifth Tempered sharp Fourth or flat Fifth 600
Sharp Fourth or Flat Fifth Diminished Fifth 45:64 610
Sharp Fourth or Flat Fifth Acute diminished Fifth 25:36 632
Fifth Grave Fifth 27:40 680
Fifth Tempered Fifth 700
Fifth Just Fifth 2:3 702
Minor Sixth Grave Superfluous Fifth 16:25 772
Minor Sixth Tempered minor Sixth 800
Minor Sixth Just minor Sixth 5:8 814
Major Sixth Just major Sixth 3:5 884
Major Sixth Tempered major Sixth 900
Major Sixth Pythagorean major Sixth 16:27 906
Major Sixth Diminished Seventh 75:128 926
Major Sixth Extreme sharp Sixth 128:225 976
Minor Seventh Minor Seventh 9:16 996
Minor Seventh Tempered minor Seventh 1000
Minor Seventh Acute minor Seventh 5:9 1018
Major Seventh Just major Seventh 8:15 1088
Major Seventh Tempered major Seventh 1100
Octave Octave 1:2 1200