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The equal division of 11/5 (ed11/5) is a tuning obtained by dividing the neutral ninth (11/5) into a certain number of equal steps.

Division of 11/5 into equal parts does not necessarily imply directly using this interval as an equivalence. The question of equivalence has not even been posed yet. The utility of 11/5 as a base though is apparent by it being, beside the true high ninth of a just dominant 11th chord, the best option for "no-twos-or-threes" harmony after the extremely wide harmonic 5, and the awkwardly narrow small septimal tritone. It is also a relatively strong consonance. Many, though not all, of these scales have a perceptually important false octave, with various degrees of accuracy.

The simplest chord without 2's or 3's that sounds consonant and stable is 11:13:17, so it can be viewed as the fundamental sonority of no-twos-or-threes music. A neutral ninth-reduced stack of four 121/85's fall short of 17/13 by the small comma 2093663/2088025. Tempering out this comma together with the additional comma 54925/54043 results in catfish temperament, which can be viewed as an analog to meantone. It possesses mos scales of the families 2L 3s<11/5>, 2L 5s<11/5>, 2L 7s<11/5>, and 9L 2s<11/5>.

Ed11/5-edo correspondence

Ed11/5 Edo
8ed11/5 7edo
9ed11/5 8edo
16ed11/5 14edo
18ed11/5 16edo
24ed11/5 21edo
25ed11/5 22edo
27ed11/5 24edo
33ed11/5 29edo
50ed11/5 44edo

Individual pages for ed11/5's

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