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A comptonesque temperament (not to be confused with the compton family) is a temperament tempering out the difference between a power of 3 and the nearest power of 2.

Previously unnamed comptonesque temperaments are named after elements of creative projects by Vector. (Besides ntiscifer and tervenna, these are not necessarily permanent names.)

A table of the first 14 comptonesque temperaments follows:

Comma Temperament Size of fifth (assuming just octave)
4/3 Bixby 1200c
9/8 Antitonic 600c
32/27 Alteraugment 800c
256/243 Blackwood 720c
2187/2048 Whitewood 685.7c
8192/6561 Alphard 750c
19683/16384 Tervenna 666.7c
177147/131072 Yarzon 654.5c
531441/524288 Compton 700c
2097152/1594323 Adarion 738.5c
43046721/33554432 Ntiscifer 675c
134217728/129140163 Gothic 705.9c
536870912/387420489 Haidomanz 733.3c
1162261467/1073741824 Graywood 694.7c