Bill Alves

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William Alves has written extensively for acoustic and electronic instruments as well as mixed media, including the integration of music and computer video, robot choreography, and web art. His works have been presented at many festivals, radio and television shows, and other venues in the USA, Europe, and Asia.

A CD of his computer music, The Terrain of Possibilities, is available on the EMF label, and works of his are included on other recordings, including [email protected] and ICMC 1999.

In 1993-94 he was a Fulbright Senior Scholar Fellow in Indonesia, a culture whose music has especially influenced his writing. He currently teaches at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California, where his courses include Computer Music, World Music, and The Harmony of Sound and Light. He is on the editorial board of Xenharmonikon.

External links

William Alves on Harvey Mudd College