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The 31-limit consists of just intonation intervals whose ratios contain no prime factors higher than 31. It is the 11th prime limit and is a superset of the 29-limit and a subset of the 37-limit.

The 31-limit is a rank-11 system, and can be modeled in a 10-dimensional lattice, with the primes 3 to 31 represented by each dimension. The prime 2 does not appear in the typical 31-limit lattice because octave equivalence is presumed. If octave equivalence is not presumed, an eleventh dimension is needed.

Like the 23-limit, the 31-limit implies a substantial increment in its harmonic contents compared to previous prime limit. Specifically, these things are contained by the 31-limit, but not the 29-limit:

  • The 31-, 33-, and 35-odd-limit;
  • Mode 16, 17, and 18 of the harmonic or subharmonic series.


Randy Wells

See also