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← 1ed5/42ed5/43ed5/4 →
Prime factorization 2 (prime)
Step size 193.157¢ 
Octave 6\2ed5/4 (1158.94¢) (→3\1ed5/4)
Twelfth 10\2ed5/4 (1931.57¢) (→5\1ed5/4)
Consistency limit 3
Distinct consistency limit 1
Special properties

2ED5/4 is the equal division of the just major third into two parts of 193.1569 cents each, corresponding to 6.2126 edo. It is related to the luna temperament.


degree cents value ratio
0 0.0000 1/1
1 193.1569 (5/4)1/2
2 386.3137 5/4
3 579.4706 (5/4)3/2
4 772.6274 (5/4)2 = 25/16
5 965.7843 (5/4)5/2
6 1158.9411 (5/4)3 = 125/64
7 1352.0980 (5/4)7/2
8 1545.2549 (5/4)4 = 625/256
9 1738.4117 (5/4)9/2
10 1931.5686 (5/4)5 = 3125/1024
11 2124.7254 (5/4)11/2
12 2317.8823 (5/4)6 = 15625/4096
13 2511.0391 (5/4)13/2
14 2704.1960 (5/4)7 = 78125/16384
15 2897.3529 (5/4)15/2
16 3090.5097 (5/4)8 = 390625/65536
17 3283.6666 (5/4)17/2
18 3476.8234 (5/4)9 = 1953125/262144
19 3669.9803 (5/4)19/2
20 3863.1371 (5/4)10 = 9765625/1048576
21 4056.2940 (5/4)21/2
22 4249.4509 (5/4)11 = 48828125/4194304
23 4442.6077 (5/4)23/2
24 4635.7646 (5/4)12 = 244140625/16777216
25 4828.9214 (5/4)25/2
26 5022.0783 (5/4)13 = 1220703125/67108864