24edo tetrachords

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A chart of all possible 24edo tetrachords (36 altogether):

1-1-8 1-2-7 1-3-6 1-4-5 1-5-4 1-6-3 1-7-2 1-8-1
2-1-7 2-2-6 2-3-5 2-4-4 2-5-3 2-6-2 2-7-1
3-1-6 3-2-5 3-3-4 3-4-3 3-5-2 3-6-1
4-1-5 4-2-4 4-3-3 4-4-2 4-5-1
5-1-4 5-2-3 5-3-2 5-4-1
6-1-3 6-2-2 6-3-1
7-1-2 7-2-1

Tetrachord details:

tetrachord notation steps in cents interval names notes
1-1-8 50 + 50 + 400 P1 sm2 m2 P4 form of Greek enharmonic genus
1-2-7 50 + 100 + 350 P1 sm2 N2 P4
1-3-6 50 + 150 + 300 P1 sm2 M2 P4
1-4-5 50 + 200 + 250 P1 sm2 sm3 P4
1-5-4 50 + 250 + 200 P1 sm2 m3 P4
1-6-3 50 + 300 + 150 P1 sm2 N3 P4
1-7-2 50 + 350 + 100 P1 sm2 M3 P4
1-8-1 50 + 400 + 50 P1 sm2 SM3 P4 form of Greek enharmonic genus
2-1-7 100 + 50 + 350 P1 m2 N2 P4
2-2-6 100 + 100 + 300 P1 m2 M2 P4 Form of Greek chromatic genus
2-3-5 100 + 150 + 250 P1 m2 sm3 P4
2-4-4 100 + 200 + 200 P1 m2 m3 P4 Phrygian; jins Kurd
2-5-3 100 + 250 + 150 P1 m2 N3 P4
2-6-2 100 + 300 + 100 P1 m2 M3 P4 "Piano Hijaz"; form of Greek chromatic genus
2-7-1 100 + 350 + 50 P1 m2 SM3 P4
3-1-6 150 + 50 + 300 P1 N2 M2 P4
3-2-5 150 + 100 + 250 P1 N2 sm3 P4
3-3-4 150 + 150 + 200 P1 N2 m3 P4 jins Bayati
3-4-3 150 + 200 + 150 P1 N2 N3 P4 all-neutral tetrachord, resembles Maqam 'Iraq or Sikah Baladi
3-5-2 150 + 250 + 100 P1 N2 M3 P4
3-6-1 150 + 300 + 50 P1 N2 SM3 P4
4-1-5 200 + 50 + 250 P1 M2 sm3 P4 like jins Nahawand but subminor 3rd instead of minor
4-2-4 200 + 100 + 200 P1 M2 m3 P4 minor; jins Nahawand
4-3-3 200 + 150 + 150 P1 M2 N3 P4 jins Rast
4-4-2 200 + 200 + 100 P1 M2 M3 P4 major; jins 'Ajam
4-5-1 200 + 250 + 50 P1 M2 SM3 P4
5-1-4 250 + 50 + 200 P1 SM2 m3 P4
5-2-3 250 + 100 + 150 P1 SM2 N3 P4
5-3-2 250 + 150 + 100 P1 SM2 M3 P4
5-4-1 250 + 200 + 50 P1 SM2 SM3 P4
6-1-3 300 + 50 + 150 P1 m3 N3 P4
6-2-2 300 + 100 + 100 P1 m3 M3 P4 form of Greek chromatic genus
6-3-1 300 + 150 + 50 P1 m3 SM3 P4
7-1-2 350 + 50 + 100 P1 N3 M3 P4
7-2-1 350 + 100 + 50 P1 N3 SM3 P4
8-1-1 400 + 50 + 50 P1 M3 SM3 P4 form of Greek enharmonic genus