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The best well-tempered divisions of nonets into 14 parts (14WTNs) are related to classical well temperaments, but with a nonet rather than the 2/1 being constant. The patent val has a generally sharp tendency for harmonics up to 21, with the exception for 11 and 13.

Patent Intervals

Target a Target b Alternating edo and *ed(9/8)
1 100.2793 100
2 200.5586 200
3 300.8379 300
4 401.1171 400
5 501.3964 500
6 601.6757 600
7 701.955 700
8 801.564 784.9625 800
9 901.173 867.97 900
10 1000.782 950.9775 1000
11 1101.391 1033.985 1100
12 1200 1116.9925 1200
13 1299.609 1200 1301.955
14 1398.218 1283.0075 1403.91
Todo: clarify, unify precision