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Test Template Info-Icon - Version (2).svg Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

The Beginner template adds a message box to inform readers of pages targeted towards a beginner audience. If a corresponding expert page exists, it may also be presented in that box. It also places the page in Category:Beginner pages.


This template should be placed at the top of the page, with a single unnamed argument that indicates the corresponding expert page.

For example, on the "Regular temperament" page, you could add the template like this:

{{Beginner|Mathematical theory of regular temperaments}}

to obtain:

Icon-Beginner.png This is a beginner page. It is written to allow new readers to learn about the basics of the topic easily.
The corresponding expert page for this topic is Mathematical theory of regular temperaments.

Using the template without providing an argument will produce:

Icon-Beginner.png This is a beginner page. It is written to allow new readers to learn about the basics of the topic easily.

Passing noexpert as the first argument will produce:

Icon-Beginner.png This is a beginner page. It is written to allow new readers to learn about the basics of the topic easily.
No corresponding expert page currently exists for this topic.

See also