User talk:M-yac/Neutral Intervals and the FJS

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FJS, Neutral Intervals, Paramajor Intervals and Paraminor Intervals

Hello, I'm Aura, and I've been thinking about a few ways the FJS could be improved for some time now, especially based on my own work with intervals like 33/32, which, come to find out, is not best described as a comma, but rather as something else. For a while now, it has bugged me that 121/64 was considered by the FJS to be a type of Minor Seventh when in fact, it is a major seventh. I'd like to talk with you about this stuff seeing as think the work I've done in the 2.3.11 subgroup might be useful to you. --Aura (talk) 23:03, 29 June 2021 (UTC)

For the record, I distinguish two types of neutral intervals just within the 2.3.11 system- Greater Neutral (represented by "N") and Lesser Neutral (represented by "n"). Thus, for example, 11/9 would be n3 while 27/22 would be N3. From there, I would completely alter the selection of commas used to define the quartertones of other primes. --Aura (talk) 16:35, 19 July 2021 (UTC)