List of tritave reduced harmonics
The first few tritave reduced harmonics, for the sake of convenient access. Feel free to add higher limit ones like 29/27. I don't personally see that they're needed at this stage in musical development but someday they will be.
1/1...............0.000 unison, perfect prime
28/27...........62.961 septimal third tone
29/27...........123.721 undetrigesimal augmented semitone
10/9.............182.404 minor whole tone
31/27...........239.171 tricesimoprimal major whole tone
32/27...........294.135 Pythagorean minor third
11/9.............347.408 lesser undecimal neutral third
34/27...........399.09 quasi-equal tempered major third
35/27...........449.275 5-7 third-fourth
4/3...............498.045 perfect fourth
37/27...........545.479 tricesimoseptimal augmented fourth
38/27...........591.648 undevicesimal tritone
13/9.............636.618 tridecimal diminished fifth
40/27...........680.449 classic wolf fifth
41/27...........723.197 quadricesimoprimal wolf fifth
14/9.............764.916 septimal minor sixth
43/27...........805.653 quadricesimotertial minor sixth
44/27...........845.453 lesser undecimal neutral sixth
5/3...............884.359 major sixth, BP sixth
46/27...........922.409 vicesimotertial major sixth
47/27...........959.642 quadricesimoseptimal sixth-seventh
16/9.............996.090 Pythagorean minor seventh
49/27...........1031.787 septimal augmented minor seventh
50/27...........1066.762 octave minus major limma
17/9.............1101.045 septendecimal major seventh
52/27...........1134.663 octave minus 26th partial chroma
53/27...........1167.6395 octave minus quincesimotertial diesis
2/1...............1200.000 octave
55/27...........1231.767 55th partial chroma + 1 octave
56/27...........1262.961 septimal third tone + 1 octave
19/9.............1293.603 undevicesimal semitone +1 octave
58/27...........1323.721 undetrigesimal augmented semitone + 1 octave
59/27...........1353.307 undesexagesimal neutral ninth
20/9.............1382.404 classical major ninth
61/27...........1411.020 sexacesimoprimal major ninth
62/27...........1439.171 tricesimoprimal maximal ninth
7/3...............1466.871 minimal tenth, BP tenth
64/27...........1494.135 Pythagorean minor tenth
65/27...........1520.976 65th partial minor tenth
22/9.............1547.408 lesser undecimal neutral tenth
67/27...........1573.442 sexacesimoseptimal perde segah + 1 octave
68/27...........1599.09 quasi-equal tempered major tenth
23/9.............1624.364 vicesimotertial major tenth
70/27...........1649.275 3-5-7 tenth-eleventh
71/27...........1673.8315 septuacesimoprimal tenth-eleventh
8/3...............1698.045 perfect 11th
73/27...........1721.9245 septuacesimotertial wolf eleventh
74/27...........1745.479 tricesimoseptimal augmented eleventh
25/9.............1768.717 classic augmented eleventh, BP twelfth
76/27...........1791.648 undevicesimal tritone + 1 octave
77/27...........1814.279 7-11 tritone + 1 octave
26/9.............1836.618 tridecimal diminished twelfth
79/27...........1858.672 undeoctogesimal diminished twelfth
80/27...........1880.449 classic wolf twelfth
3/1...............1901.955 tritave
Other useful tritave based intervals: (to be filled in as people see fit)