The wedgie method

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The wedgie method is a placeholder for an unknown method of finding temperaments[1]. The original drafts of several temperament-cataloging wiki pages[2] included links to the page called "The wedgie", claiming that this page explained the method by which the cataloged temperaments were obtained. However, the method and its explanation are missing.

The links to the page were not anchored to a subsection of the page; they were simply directed to the page. However, the page is not itself a dedicated explanation of such a temperament-finding method, and does not clearly appear to include an explanation of such a method anywhere within it. In 2012, when this page and the several pages linking to it for an explanation of this temperament-finding method were first created, still no such explanation existed, and it does not appear to exist in an easy-to-find place in page edit histories. Furthermore, the original author of these pages, Gene Ward Smith, has unfortunately passed away, so he cannot be consulted on the matter. And so for now this page here is intended to serve as a placeholder for this missing information, in case anyone is eventually able to fill it in.

For now, one possible explanation of this method could be: iterate through all temperaments by complexity using wedgies, and filter out those which are non-temperaments and/or are of high badness.

Icon-Todo.png Todo: add definition, update

Document this method via Temperament seaches using wedgies only.