Magic extensions

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Magic has various competing extensions to the 11- and 13-limit. The following temperaments are discussed in this article:

  • Tridecimal magic (19 & 22f) – tempering out 100/99, 105/104, 144/143, and 196/195;
  • Necromancy (19f & 22) – tempering out 100/99, 225/224, 245/243, and 275/273;
  • Witchcraft (19e & 22ef) – tempering out 105/104, 196/195, 245/243, and 275/273;
  • Sorcery (19 & 22) – tempering out 65/64, 78/77, 91/90, and 100/99;
  • Intuition (19e & 22f) – tempering out 55/54, 66/65, 99/98, and 105/104;
  • Telepathy (19e & 22) – tempering out 55/54, 65/64, 91/90, and 99/98.

The most important of these is tridecimal magic, where primes 11 and 13 are mapped such that 10/9 and 11/10 are tempered together and that 14/13 and 16/15 are tempered together. Necromancy takes the same mapping of 11 as magic, but swaps in a more complex mapping for 13, enabling the possibility of a higher-accuracy harmony. Similarly, witchcraft takes the same mapping of 13 as magic, but swaps in a more complex mapping for 11.

Sorcery swaps in a less complex and less accurate mapping for prime 13, as it finds ~16/13 where magic will find ~26/21, which is of course conflated with ~5/4. Likewise, intuitive uses a less complex and less accurate mapping for prime 11. Finally, telepathy adopts the changes of both sorcery and intuition, resulting in a very low-accuracy temperament.

Interval chain

In the following table, odd harmonics and subharmonics 1–13 are in bold.

# Cents* Approximate ratios
7-limit 13-limit extensions
Magic Necromancy Witchcraft Sorcery Intuition Telepathy
0 0.0 1/1
1 380.4 5/4 26/21 26/21 16/13 26/21 16/13
2 760.9 14/9 20/13 11/7 11/7, 20/13
3 1141.4 27/14 52/27, 64/33 64/33 52/27 64/33 21/11, 52/27 21/11
4 321.8 6/5 40/33 40/33 40/33 11/9, 13/11 11/9
5 702.3 3/2
6 1082.7 15/8, 28/15 13/7 13/7 24/13 13/7 24/13
7 263.2 7/6 13/11
8 643.7 35/24 13/9, 16/11 16/11 13/9 16/11 13/9, 22/15 22/15
9 1024.1 9/5 20/11 20/11 20/11 11/6 11/6
10 204.6 9/8
11 585.0 7/5 18/13 18/13
12 965.5 7/4 26/15 26/15 26/15
13 146.0 35/32 12/11, 13/12 12/11 13/12 12/11, 14/13 11/10, 13/12 11/10, 14/13
14 526.4 27/20 15/11 15/11 15/11 11/8 11/8
15 906.9 27/16, 42/25 22/13 22/13 22/13
16 87.3 21/20 22/21 27/26 27/26
17 467.8 21/16 13/10 13/10 13/10
18 848.2 49/30 13/8, 18/11 18/11 13/8 18/11, 21/13 13/8 21/13
19 28.7 49/48, 81/80, 126/125 45/44 45/44 45/44 33/32 33/32
20 409.2 63/50 14/11 14/11 14/11
21 789.6 63/40 11/7
22 1170.1 49/25, 63/32 39/20 39/20 39/20

* In 7-limit CWE tuning

Tuning spectra


Generator (¢) Comments
21/13 369.747
13/7 378.617
5/3 378.910
6\19 378.947 Lower bound of 9- to 15-odd-limit diamond monotone
15/13 379.355
13/9 379.577
13/10 379.660
9/5 379.733
13/12 379.890
27/20 379.968 5-odd-limit least squares
19\60 380.000
13/8 380.029
15/14 380.093
32\101 380.198 101cde val
7/5 380.228
21/20 380.279
13/11 380.354 13- and 15-odd-limit minimax
[0 56 -31 46 -94 88 380.377 13-odd-limit least squares
[0 36 -23 32 380.384 9-odd-limit least squares
[0 58 -29 52 -108 100 380.389 15-odd-limit least squares
3/2 380.391 5-, 7- and 9-odd-limit minimax
13\41 380.488
[0 1 -7 15 380.506 7-odd-limit least squares
21/16 380.634
11/9 380.700 11-odd-limit minimax
[0 85 -14 52 -68 380.714 11-odd-limit least squares
7/4 380.735
33\104 380.769 104ff val
21/11 380.779
11/6 380.818
11/7 380.875
20\63 380.952 63f val
7/6 380.982
11/8 381.085
15/11 381.211
15/8 381.378
11/10 381.666
7\22 381.818 22f val, upper bound of 9- to 15-odd-limit diamond monotone
9/7 382.458
5/4 386.314


Generator (¢) Comments
5/3 378.910
6\19 378.947 19f val, lower bound of 9- and 11-odd-limit diamond monotone
9/5 379.733
27/20 379.968 5-odd-limit least squares
19\60 380.000 60f val
15/14 380.093
32\101 380.198 101cdeff val
7/5 380.228
21/20 380.279
[0 36 -23 32 380.384 9-odd-limit least squares
3/2 380.391 5-, 7- and 9-odd-limit minimax
13\41 380.488 Lower bound of 13- and 15-odd-limit diamond monotone
[0 1 -7 15 380.506 7-odd-limit least squares
21/16 380.634
11/9 380.700 11-odd-limit minimax
13/9 380.709 13- and 15-odd-limit minimax
[0 85 -14 52 -68 380.714 11-odd-limit least squares
13/11 380.719
7/4 380.735
21/13 380.756
13/12 380.765
33\104 380.769
21/11 380.779
[0 -179 -10 -87 53 158 380.785 13-odd-limit least squares
13/7 380.809
[0 -222 -53 -93 67 187 380.817 15-odd-limit least squares
11/6 380.818
13/8 380.847
11/7 380.875
20\63 380.952 Upper bound of 13- and 15-odd-limit diamond monotone
15/13 380.957
7/6 380.982
13/10 381.074
11/8 381.085
15/11 381.211
15/8 381.378
11/10 381.666
7\22 381.818 Upper bound of 9- and 11-odd-limit diamond monotone
9/7 382.458
5/4 386.314


Generator (¢) Comments
21/13 369.747
13/7 378.617
5/3 378.910
6\19 378.947 19e val, lower bound of 9-odd-limit diamond monotone
15/13 379.355
13/9 379.577
13/10 379.660
9/5 379.733
27/20 379.968 5-odd-limit least squares
13/12 379.890
19\60 380.000 60e val, lower bound of 11- to 15-odd-limit diamond monotone
13/8 380.029
21/11 380.034
15/14 380.093
15/11 380.113 15-odd-limit minimax
11/7 380.119 13-odd-limit minimax
11/10 380.156
[0 -106 -111 11 179 59 380.193 15-odd-limit least squares
32\101 380.198 101cd val
[0 -67 -72 5 152 47 380.218 13-odd-limit least squares
7/5 380.228
[0 -38 -55 11 137 380.278 11-odd-limit least squares
21/20 380.279
11/9 380.322
11/6 380.334
11/8 380.343 11-odd-limit minimax
[0 36 -23 32 380.384 9-odd-limit least squares
3/2 380.391 5-, 7- and 9-odd-limit minimax
13\41 380.488 Upper bound of 11- to 15-odd-limit diamond monotone
21/16 380.634
13/11 380.719
7/4 380.735
33\104 380.769 104eeff val
20\63 380.952 63eef val
7/6 380.982
15/8 381.378
7\22 381.818 22ef val, upper bound of 9-odd-limit diamond monotone
9/7 382.458
5/4 386.314


Generator (¢) Comments
13/8 359.472
13/10 372.893
13/12 376.905
15/13 378.249
13/9 378.489
5/3 378.910
6\19 378.947 Lower bound of 9- and 11-odd-limit diamond monotone
13- and 15-odd-limit diamond monotone (singleton)
13/7 379.100
21/13 379.459
9/5 379.733
27/20 379.968 5-odd-limit least squares
19\60 380.000 60ff val
15/14 380.093
32\101 380.198 101cdefff val
7/5 380.228
21/20 380.279
[0 36 -23 32 380.384 9-odd-limit least squares
3/2 380.391 5-, 7- and 9-odd-limit minimax
[0 -113 12 -65 75 26 380.427 13-odd-limit least squares
[0 134 9 71 -89 -33 380.457 15-odd-limit least squares
13\41 380.488 41f val
[0 1 -7 15 380.506 7-odd-limit least squares
21/16 380.634
11/9 380.700 11-, 13- and 15-odd-limit minimax
[0 85 -14 52 -68 380.714 11-odd-limit least squares
7/4 380.735
33\104 380.769 104fff val
21/11 380.779
11/6 380.818
11/7 380.875
20\63 380.952 63ff val
7/6 380.982
11/8 381.085
15/11 381.211
15/8 381.378
11/10 381.666
7\22 381.818 Upper bound of 9- and 11-odd-limit diamond monotone
9/7 382.458
13/11 384.173
5/4 386.314


Generator (¢) Comments
21/13 369.747
13/11 372.302
21/11 373.154
13/7 378.617
5/3 378.910
6\19 378.947 19e val, lower bound of 9-odd-limit diamond monotone
15/13 379.355
13/9 379.577
13/10 379.660
9/5 379.733
13/12 379.890
27/20 379.968 5-odd-limit least squares
19\60 380.000 60eee val
13/8 380.029 13- and 15-odd-limit minimax
15/14 380.093
32\101 380.198 101cdeeee val
7/5 380.228
21/20 380.279
[0 36 -23 32 380.384 9-odd-limit least squares
3/2 380.391 5-, 7- and 9-odd-limit minimax
13\41 380.488 41e val
[0 1 -7 15 380.506 7-odd-limit least squares
[0 -30 -73 30 46 78 380.562 15-odd-limit least squares
[0 -10 -53 24 38 66 380.568 13-odd-limit least squares
21/16 380.634
7/4 380.735
33\104 380.769 104eeeff val
20\63 380.952 63ef val
7/6 380.982
15/8 381.378
[0 19 -36 30 42 381.380 11-odd-limit least squares
7\22 381.818 22f val, upper bound of 9-odd-limit diamond monotone
11- to 15-odd-limit diamond monotone (singleton)
11/10 381.923 11-odd-limit minimax
11/8 382.237
9/7 382.458
15/11 382.881
11/6 383.263
5/4 386.314
11/9 386.852
11/7 391.246


Generator (¢) Comments
13/8 359.472
13/10 372.893
21/11 373.154
13/12 376.905
15/13 378.249
13/9 378.489
5/3 378.910
6\19 378.947 19e val, lower bound of 9-odd-limit diamond monotone 13-odd-limit diamond monotone (singleton)
13/7 379.100
21/13 379.459
9/5 379.733
27/20 379.968 5-odd-limit least squares
19\60 380.000 60eeeff val
15/14 380.093
32\101 380.198 101cdeeeefff val
7/5 380.228
21/20 380.279
[0 36 -23 32 380.384 9-odd-limit least squares
3/2 380.391 5-, 7- and 9-odd-limit minimax
13\41 380.488 41ef val
[0 1 -7 15 380.506 7-odd-limit least squares
21/16 380.634
[0 47 -34 43 57 -48 380.676 13-odd-limit least squares
[0 46 -35 49 65 -55 380.691 15-odd-limit least squares
13/11 380.719 13- and 15-odd-limit minimax
7/4 380.735
33\104 380.769 104eeefff val
20\63 380.952 63eff val
7/6 380.982
15/8 381.378
[0 19 -36 30 42 381.380 11-odd-limit least squares
7\22 381.818 Upper bound of 9-odd-limit diamond monotone
11-odd-limit diamond monotone (singleton)
11/10 381.923 11-odd-limit minimax
11/8 382.237
9/7 382.458
15/11 382.881
11/6 383.263
5/4 386.314
11/9 386.852
11/7 391.246