Johannes Werpup

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Johannes Werpup, aka Xen-Gedankenwelt (or XG), is a xenharmonic theorist, ongoing composer and musician. He was born in 1982 near Cologne/Bonn in Germany.

Xenharmonic Instruments

  • Johannes owns a 31edo 8-string baritone electric guitar, which is based on an Ibanez RGA8, and has been refretted by luthier Nick Page.
  • He intends to work more with the DAW Reaper, due to its microtonal capabilities and script support.
  • He's also planning to use Vocaloid/IA to add pitch-perfect vocals to his songs.

Xenharmonic Interests

Johannes is mainly interested in 31edo, and is familiar with many of the supported linear and planar temperaments. He spent a lot of time studying the support-relations between those temperaments, and uses "bridge" temperaments for transitions between scales of different temperaments (e.g. orwellzeusvalentine).

He uses mostly 7-limit intervals, which provide rich harmonic options. And those include easily accessible intervals like 35/32 (neutral second), 48/35 (superfourth) or 105/64 (neutral sixth), that "mimic" 11- or 13-limit intervals, and provide interesting melodic options to spice things up. :)

Besides 31edo, he is also interested in other edos. For example:

  • 94edo: A tuning that is consistent through the 23-odd-limit, and is good to study higher prime limits.
  • 22edo: A good all-round 11-limit tuning for its size, with many interesting supported temperaments.
  • 11edo: Sounds very interesting in an "Oriental" but weird way - subset of 22edo.
  • 15edo: Can be seen as an equal-tempering of Valentine[15] - not as accurate, but very easy to use. And it's probably fun to use a guitar tuning where there's a 5edo perfect fourth between subsequent strings. :)


Johannes uses 12-note notations to modify existing guitar tabs in 12edo. The 12edo steps are reinterpreted as steps of an uneven 12-note MOS, and chroma accidentals are added to modify the scale.

He uses the same approach in Vocaloid, where he wrote a Job Plugin (script) to change all base notes to a maximally even 12-note scale for the selected edo. Accidentals can be embedded in the "song lyrics" to modify notes.

For 94edo, he proposes a notation based on Garibaldi[12] as a useful option when working with tabulature for fretless instruments, since it allows to easily and relatively accurately notate 13-limit intervals, using only one accidental pair for the chroma. This notation can also be used in DAWs etc. by using scripts, to modify notes in a piano roll representation.

He plans to design an advanced notation that can be used for linear and planar temperaments in 31edo, using nominals that correspond to different MOS or planar low-max variety scales.

Community Involvement

Johannes has been active in the Yahoo tuning groups, and in Ron Sword's Microtonal Guitarist forum, which have been shut down.

He was also an active editor of the old Xenharmonic Wiki, and somewhat active in the Sagittal forum.

Johannes never joined any of the facebook groups, because he doesn't want to support this social media platform.

He is occasionally active on the XA discord server.

Johannes has coined the names for the following temperaments: Cuckoo, Oracle, and Necromanteion.


Johannes has been inspired by German music theorist Martin Vogel, and his view on 7-limit JI, on harmonic dualism, and his concept of consonance vectors. He also learned from his books that 7/4 can be approximated by an augmented sixth 225/128 (-> marvel temperament).

Other huge inspirations were Erv Wilson's research on moments of symmetry, and the regular mapping paradigm.

And thanks to musicians like Deja Igliashon, Ron Sword and Paul Erlich, and their approaches to 15-, 16- and 22edo, resp., he learned to appreciate (particularly zeus-tempered) neutral seconds, and small edos.

Music Genres

Johannes is mostly interested in metal/rock, in electronic, video game / chiptune music, and in classical or non-Western music.

Meaning of "Xen-Gedankenwelt"

  • "Xen" means "strange", "alien", and so on. Johannes chose this prefix because of his fascination for the unexplored. Of course it is also an abbreviation for "xenharmonic". ;)
  • "Gedankenwelt" is a German word, and can be literally translated as "world of thought", or "world of the mind". It is supposed to be a metaphor for independent thinking.

Put together, it is supposed to describe the (beautiful :) mind of an individual who likes interesting and unusual things (like xenharmonic music), and who tries to think for themself, instead of uncritically accepting arbitrary ancient norms.

Other Interests

Besides Xenharmonic music, Johannes is interested in non-Euclidean (particularly hyperbolic) geometry, programming, the Japanese language and culture, vegan cooking, and board / video games.