Dilemmic and antidilemmic

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Requiem and tsuchi (also called dilemmic and antidilemmic) are the two ways of closing the circle of 7/4s in 13edo, corresponding to the two 13edo intervals, 10\13 and 11\13, that 7/4 is pretty much exactly in between. With other circular temperaments, the comma is usually significantly smaller than 600c, meaning the circle can only reasonably be closed one way. However, the dilemma (and its octave complement the antidilemma) are within 10 cents of sqrt(2), meaning that the difference in accuracy between flattening and sharpening 7/4 is minimal.

For clarification, requiem (dilemmic) tempers out the dilemma; and tsuchi (antidilemmic) tempers out the antidilemma.

They are named after a poorly-formed moral dilemma in a setting Vector Graphics is aware of, wherein only two sides are presented, associated with the faction "Requiem" and a faction associated with "Tsuchi", and not only are more options available in-universe but the presentation is rather inconsistent with how much agency one actually has in the matter.

This goes with the trend of circular temperaments of the 7th harmonic being named after elements of that general series of creative works.

(Infobox TBD)