Anisopteran scale
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The Anisopteran scale is a 20-tone scale. It is one specific mode of the Tetracot[20] MOS scale. It is named because the steps look like a dragonfly when shown graphically (Anisoptera being the scientific word for dragonflies).
In TOP tuning, it looks like this:
- 108.63
- 142.37
- 176.11
- 284.74
- 318.48
- 352.22
- 460.85
- 494.59
- 528.33
- 636.96
- 670.70
- 704.44
- 813.07
- 846.81
- 880.55
- 989.18
- 1022.92
- 1131.55
- 1165.29
- 1199.03
It contains many interesting subsets, including:
The Antipental Mixopent scale (like Mixolydian Pentatonic melodically, but harmonically instead of 2.3.5):
- 352.22
- 494.59
- 704.44
- 989.18
- 1199.03
The Depths of the Earth scale (based on the subset of 24edo used in Trees in the Depths of the Earth from the Kirby Super Star soundtrack):
- 142.37
- 284.74
- 494.59
- 704.44
- 846.81
- 989.18
- 1199.03
The Tetrablue scale:
- 318.48
- 494.59
- 636.96
- 704.44
- 989.18
- 1199.03
The Tetracyan scale:
- 318.48
- 494.59
- 636.96
- 704.44
- 989.18
- 1131.55
- 1199.03
The Tetranavy scale:
- 318.48
- 494.59
- 636.96
- 704.44
- 880.55
- 989.18
- 1199.03
The Tetrapelog scale:
- 108.63
- 284.74
- 704.44
- 813.07
- 1199.03