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← 1ed25/24 2ed25/24 3ed25/24 →
Prime factorization 2 (prime)
Step size 35.3362 ¢ 
Octave 34\2ed25/24 (1201.43 ¢) (→ 17\1ed25/24)
Twelfth 54\2ed25/24 (1908.16 ¢) (→ 27\1ed25/24)
Consistency limit 6
Distinct consistency limit 6
Special properties

2ed25/24 is a tuning system created by dividing the interval of 25/24 logarithmically into steps of about 35.336 cents each. Each step represents a frequency ratio of the square root of 25/24.

It is almost equal to 34edo.


One step of this tuning is an interval that allows to pass from a just major third (5/4) to a just minor third (6/5) by equal contrary motion, and vice versa. Let be two voices forming a 5/4 interval. If the lower voice goes up by a sqrt(25/24) and the upper voice goes down by the same interval, the next interval formed by the two voices will be a 6/5 interval.


Just major third and just minor third alternating by equal contrary motion
Just major seventh chord and just minor seventh chord alternating by equal contrary motion


EDOs that have both a good 5-odd-limit and a sqrt(25/24) distinct from 25/24 include (among others) 24, 27, 31 and 34.

34-edo has such an excellent sqrt(25/24) that the next EDO to have a better one is 441.