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← 17ed10 18ed10 19ed10 →
Prime factorization 2 × 32
Step size 221.462¢ 
Octave 5\18ed10 (1107.31¢)
Twelfth 9\18ed10 (1993.16¢) (→1\2ed10)
Consistency limit 2
Distinct consistency limit 2

18ED10 is the equal division of the 10th harmonic into 18 parts of 221.4619 cents each. It is related to the hemisensi temperament, which tempers out 126/125, 133/132, 154/153, 171/170, and 189/187 in the subgroup, which is supported by 27edo (27eg val), 38edo (38d val), and 65edo.

degree cents value corresponding
JI intervals
0 0.0000 exact 1/1
1 221.4619 17/15, 25/22
2 442.9237 9/7, 84/65
3 664.3856 22/15, 25/17
4 885.8475 5/3
5 1107.3094 17/9, 36/19, 19/10
6 1328.7712 15/7, 28/13, 54/25, 13/6
7 1550.2331 22/9
8 1771.6950 36/13, 25/9, 39/14
9 1993.1569 60/19, 256/81, 405/128, 19/6
10 2214.6187 68/19, 140/39, 18/5, 65/18
11 2436.0806 45/11
12 2657.5425 60/13, 88/19, 65/14, 14/3
13 2879.0043 100/19, 95/18, 90/17
14 3100.4662 6/1
15 3321.9281 34/5, 75/11
16 3543.3900 54/7, 70/9
17 3764.8518 44/5
18 3986.3137 exact 10/1 just major third plus three octaves