User talk:Mousemambo/Document draft
This is the discussion page for whatever work is currently in mousemambo's "Document draft" page. Work will typically be written in "Document draft" when it's not yet clear what its ultimate page title will be. Rather than generating numerous wiki pages with rejected draft titles that the user will usually not have permission to delete, a more skillful wiki approach is to use a generic placeholder page, which is what "Document draft" is. The content on this discussion page, attached to the generic placeholder page, may be transferred to the discussion page for the final main space page if one gets created from the draft, in order to preserve it and to make a fresh space for discussing the new document.
Please append four tilde marks like this ~~~~
after your comments to sign them. Thanks!
Mousemambo (talk) 05:06, 7 August 2023 (UTC)