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This page presents a novelty topic. It may contain ideas which are less likely to find practical applications in xenharmonic music, or numbers that are impractically large, exceedingly complex, or chosen arbitrarily.

Novelty topics are often developed by a single person or a small group. As such, this page may also contain idiosyncratic terms, notation, or conceptual frameworks.

← 0ed697/559 1ed697/559 2ed697/559 →
Prime factorization n/a
Step size 381.972 ¢ 
Octave 3\1ed697/559 (1145.92 ¢)
Twelfth 5\1ed697/559 (1909.86 ¢)
Consistency limit 7
Distinct consistency limit 4
Special properties

π-edo, 1ed21/π, or APS(1/π oct) is a nonoctave equal-step tuning in which π steps occur per octave. It does not approximate any simple harmonics well, except for the 3rd harmonic. In fact, it is nearly identical to 5edt. This lends the tuning to use with custom inharmonic timbres. It has the potential to facilitate music far removed from any conventional harmonic or melodic traditions.


Approximation of harmonics in π-edo
Harmonic 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Error Absolute (¢) -54.1 +7.9 -108.2 -112.5 -46.2 +68.9 -162.3 +15.8 -166.6 +50.4 -100.3
Relative (%) -14.2 +2.1 -28.3 -29.5 -12.1 +18.0 -42.5 +4.1 -43.6 +13.2 -26.2
Steps 3 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 11