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← 6ed11 7ed11 8ed11 →
Prime factorization 7 (prime)
Step size 593.045¢ 
Octave 2\7ed11 (1186.09¢)
Twelfth 3\7ed11 (1779.14¢)
Consistency limit 4
Distinct consistency limit 3

7ED11 is the equal division of the 11th harmonic into seven parts of 593.0454 cents each. It is related to the temperament which tempers out 256/255, 273/272, 364/363, 441/440, and 1690/1683 in the 17-limit, which is supported by 2edo, 87edo, and 89edo.

degree cents value corresponding
JI intervals
0 0.0000 exact 1/1
1 593.0454 45/32, 24/17
2 1186.0908 240/121, 143/72
3 1779.1363 14/5
4 2372.1817 55/14
5 2965.2271 72/13
6 3558.2725 187/24, 352/45
7 4151.3179 exact 11/1 undecimal fourth plus three octaves

Related temperament

11-limit 87&89

Commas: 441/440, 3388/3375, 16384/16335

POTE generator: ~45/32 = 593.168

Mapping: [<1 9 -13 -14 0|, <0 -15 31 34 7|]

EDOs: 2, 87, 89, 176, 263

13-limit 87&89

Commas: 364/363, 441/440, 2197/2187, 3388/3375

POTE generator: ~45/32 = 593.156

Mapping: [<1 9 -13 -14 0 21|, <0 -15 31 34 7 -35|]

EDOs: 2, 87, 89, 176, 263

17-limit 87&89

Commas: 256/255, 273/272, 364/363, 441/440, 2025/2023

POTE generator: ~24/17 = 593.165

Mapping: [<1 9 -13 -14 0 21 12|, <0 -15 31 34 7 -35 -16|]

EDOs: 2, 87, 89, 176g