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See Starling temperaments #Oolong for more technical data.

Interval chain

In the following table, prime harmonics are in bold.

# Cents* Approximate Ratios
0 0.0 1/1
1 311.7 6/5
2 623.3 10/7
3 935.0 12/7
4 46.7 36/35, 40/39
5 358.3 16/13
6 670.0 96/65
7 981.7 160/91
8 93.4 96/91
9 405.0 91/72
10 716.7 91/60
11 1028.4 49/27, 65/36
12 140.0 13/12
13 451.7 13/10
14 763.4 14/9
15 1075.0 13/7, 28/15, 50/27
16 186.7 10/9, 28/25
17 498.4 4/3
18 810.0 8/5
19 1121.7 40/21, 48/25
20 233.4 8/7

* In POTE tuning

Tuning spectrum

7/5 308.744
7/6 311.043
7\27 311.111
10/9 311.400
14/13 311.447
49/48 311.491
27\104 311.538
13/12 311.548
8/7 311.559
47\181 311.602
13/9 311.608
4/3 311.650
20\77 311.688
28/27 311.708
15/13 311.742
16/15 311.764
9/7 311.780
13/10 311.863
5/4 311.871
16/13 311.894
13\50 312.000
15/14 312.037
25/24 312.070
6\23 313.043
6/5 315.641