3d F scale
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The 3d F scale, or 3-Dimensional F scale, is a 56-note 7-limit JI scale created by Fynn Cerulean. It is called the 3d F scale because its lattice makes the shape of an F in three dimensions.
65625/65536 2109375/2097152 525/512 16875/16384 546875/524288 8859375/8388608 4375/4096 140625/131072 35/32 1125/1024 18984375/16777216 9375/8192 75/64 4921875/4194304 78125/65536 39375/32768 1265625/1048576 625/512 5/4 328125/262144 2625/2048 21/16 44296875/33554432 21875/16384 703125/524288 175/128 5625/4096 2953125/2097152 46875/32768 23625/16384 375/256 3/2 6328125/4194304 3125/2048 25/16 1640625/1048576 26578125/16777216 13125/8192 421875/262144 105/64 3375/2048 109375/65536 875/512 7/4 14765625/8388608 234375/131072 118125/65536 3796875/2097152 1875/1024 15/8 984375/524288 15625/8192 7875/4096 125/64 132890625/67108864 2/1
The scale itself has no practical implications.