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I plan to explore this temperament family significantly further over the next few months and expand the existing discussion of how to use Negri temperaments musically, possibly via a linked page along the lines of . As part of this, I plan to write 9 fugues in the 9 modes of negri-9. I've linked the first one, and if I complete the set, I will replace that link with a link to the playlist. My provisional names for the 9 modes of Negri 9 are as follows:

  • Lssssssss: "Austro-Hungarian Minor", like all modes of negri 9 and negri 10 this contains a mode of the Double Harmonic Scale as a subset -- in this case, Hungarian Minor
  • ssssssssL: "Reoriented", Named in analogy with its double Harmonic subset "Oriental", also, becuase it's Austro-Hungarian Minor upside-down.
  • sssssssLs: "Negri Augmented Major" The most normal seventh chord shape on the tonic in this mode is a M7#5 or augmented major chord.
  • ssssssLss: "Faceless", Like "Estranged", the other mode whose double-harmonic subset does not contain its tonic, this name is a reference to a death god in A Song of Ice and Fire.
  • sssssLsss: "Amended", an oblique reference to the "altered" scale which has lots of similar notes
  • ssssLssss: "Symmetric Negri Major", for obvious reasons. I think I've even seen it referred to as this before
  • sssLsssss: "Carolingian", as it has tonic chords in the shape of the French, German, and Italian augmented sixth chords
  • ssLssssss: "Estranged", this is the other one whose double harmonic subset is missing the tonic. The tonic chord shapes are strange. There is a perfect 5th, but neither a minor nor a major 3rd above the tonic. Only 7-limit. Hence I named this after the god within the faith of the seven that is neither male nor female. Also, the scale degrees that could provide minor and major sevenths are separated, or estranged from one another if you will, by the largest step in the scale.
  • sLsssssss: "Ultra-Hittite" It contains the double-harmonic mode called "Ultra-Phrygian" as well as the characteristic Lydian augmented 4th. The Lydian and Phrygian kingdoms replaced the old Hittite empire.
  • --Rperlner (talk) 03:23, 11 August 2021 (UTC)