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← 24edo 25edo 26edo →
Prime factorization 52
Step size 48 ¢ 
Fifth 15\25 (720 ¢) (→ 3\5)
Semitones (A1:m2) 5:0 (240 ¢ : 0 ¢)
Dual sharp fifth 15\25 (720 ¢) (→ 3\5)
Dual flat fifth 14\25 (672 ¢)
Dual major 2nd 4\25 (192 ¢)
Consistency limit 5
Distinct consistency limit 5

25 equal divisions of the octave (abbreviated 25edo or 25ed2), also called 25-tone equal temperament (25tet) or 25 equal temperament (25et) when viewed under a regular temperament perspective, is the tuning system that divides the octave into 25 equal parts of exactly 48 ¢ each. Each step represents a frequency ratio of 21/25, or the 25th root of 2.


25edo is a good way to tune the blackwood temperament, which takes the very sharp fifths of 5edo as a given, tempers out 28/27 and 49/48, and attempts to optimize the tunings for 5 (5/4) and 7 (7/4). It also tunes sixix temperament with a sharp fifth. It supplies the optimal patent val for the 11-limit 6&25 temperament tempering out 49/48, 77/75 and 605/576, and the 13-limit extension also tempering out 66/65.

25edo has fifths 18 cents sharp, but its major thirds of 5/4 are excellent and its 7/4 is acceptable. Moreover, in full 7-limit including the 3, it is not consistent. It therefore makes sense to use it as a 2.5.7 subgroup tuning. Looking just at 2, 5, and 7, it equates five 8/7's with the octave, and so tempers out (8/7)5 / 2 = 16807/16384. It also equates a 128/125 diesis and two septimal tritones of 7/5 with the octave, and hence tempers out 3136/3125. If we want to temper out both of these and also have decent fifths, the obvious solution is 50edo. An alternative fifth, 14\25, which is 672 cents, provides an alternative very flat fifth which can be used for mavila temperament.

If 5/4 and 7/4 are not good enough, it also does 17/16 and 19/16, just like 12edo. In fact, on the 2*25 subgroup it provides the same tuning and tempers out the same commas as 50et, which makes for a wide range of harmony.

Since 25 is 5 x 5, 25edo is the smallest composite EDO that doesn't have any intervals in common with 12edo.

Possible usage in Indonesian music

Since 25edo contains 5edo as a subset, and it features an antidiatonic scale generated by the 672 cent fifth, it can theoretically be used to represent Indonesian music in both Slendro (~5edo) and Pelog (~antidiatonic scale) tunings.

Odd harmonics

Approximation of odd harmonics in 25edo
Harmonic 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Error Absolute (¢) +18.0 -2.3 -8.8 -11.9 -23.3 +23.5 +15.7 -9.0 -9.5 +9.2 -4.3
Relative (%) +37.6 -4.8 -18.4 -24.8 -48.6 +48.9 +32.8 -18.7 -19.8 +19.2 -8.9


Degrees Cents Approximate
Ups and Downs notation
0 0 1/1 1 P1 perfect 1sn D, Eb
1 48 33/32, 39/38, 34/33 1# ^1, ^m2 up 1sn, upminor 2nd ^D, ^Eb
2 96 17/16, 20/19, 18/17 2b ^^m2 dupminor 2nd ^^Eb
3 144 12/11, 38/35 2 vvM2 dudmajor 2nd vvE
4 192 9/8, 10/9, 19/17 2# vM2 downmajor 2nd vE
240 8/7 3b M2, m3 major 2nd, minor 3rd E, F
6 288 19/16, 20/17 3 ^m3 upminor 3rd ^F
7 336 39/32, 17/14, 40/33 3# ^^m3 dupminor 3rd ^^F
384 5/4 4b vvM3 dudmajor 3rd vvF#
9 432 9/7, 32/25, 50/39 4 vM3 downmajor vF#
10 480 33/25, 25/19 4#/5b M3, P4 major 3rd, perfect 4th F#, G
11· 528 31/21, 34/25 5 ^4 up 4th ^G
12 576 7/5, 39/28 5# ^^4,^^b5 dup 4th, dupdim 5th ^^G, ^^Ab
13 624 10/7, 56/39 6b vvA4,vv5 dudaug 4th, dud 5th vvG#, vvA
14· 672 42/31, 25/17 6 v5 down 5th vA
15 720 50/33, 38/25 6# P5, m6 perfect 5th, minor 6th A, Bb
16 768 14/9, 25/16, 39/25 7b ^m6 upminor 6th ^Bb
17· 816 8/5 7 ^^m6 dupminor 6th ^^Bb
18 864 64/39, 28/17, 33/20 7# vvM6 dudmajor 6th vvB
19 912 32/19, 17/10 8b vM6 downmajor 6th vB
20· 960 7/4 8 M6, m7 major 6th, minor 7th B, C
21 1008 16/9, 9/5, 34/19 8# ^m7 upminor 7th ^C
22 1056 11/6, 35/19 9b ^^m7 dupminor 7th ^^C
23 1104 32/17, 17/9, 19/10 9 vvM7 dudmajor 7th vvC#
24 1152 33/17, 64/33, 76/39 9#/1b vM7 downmajor 7th vC#
25 1200 2/1 1 P8 perfect 8ve C#, D
  • based on treating 25-EDO as a subgroup; other approaches are possible.

25-edo chords can be named with ups and downs, see Ups and Downs Notation - Chords and Chord Progressions.

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Sagittal notation

This notation uses the same sagittal sequence as 32edo, and is a superset of the notation for 5edo.

25-EDO Sagittal.svgSagittal notationPeriodic table of EDOs with sagittal notationapotome-fraction notation

Regular temperament properties

Rank-2 temperaments

Generator Periods per octave "Sharp 3/2" temperaments "Flat 3/2" temperaments (25b val) MOS scales
1\25 1
2\25 1 Passion 1L 11s, 12L 1s
3\25 1 Bleu 1L 7s, 8L 1s, 8L 9s
4\25 1 Luna / didacus 1L 5s, 6L 1s, 6L 7s, 6L 13s
6\25 1 Gariberttet 4L 1s, 4L 5s, 4L 9s, 4L 13s, 4L 17s
7\25 1 Sixix 4L 3s, 7L 4s, 7L 11s
8\25 1 Magic 3L 4s, 3L 7s, 3L 10s, 3L 13s, 3L 16s, 3L 19s
9\25 1 Hamity 3L 2s, 3L 5s, 3L 8s, 11L 3s
11\25 1 Mabila / trismegistus Armodue / Pelogic (25bd) 2L 3s, 2L 5s, 7L 2s, 9L 7s
12\25 1 Tritonic Triton 2L 3s, 2L 5s, 2L 7s, 2L 9s, 2L 11s, 2L 13s, 2L 15s, 2L 17s, 2L 19s, 2L 21s
1\25 5 Blackwood favouring 9/7 5L 5s, 5L 10s, 5L 15s
2\25 5 Blackwood favouring 5/4 5L 5s, 10L 5s
1\25 25


25et tempers out the following commas. (Note: This assumes the val 25 40 58 70 86 93].)

Ratio[1] Monzo Cents Color name Name(s)
3 256/243 [8 -5 90.22 Sawa Blackwood comma, Pythagorean limma
5 3125/3072 [-10 -1 5 29.61 Laquinyo Magic comma
5 (24 digits) [38 -2 -15 1.38 Sasa-quintrigu Hemithirds comma
7 16807/16384 [-14 0 0 5 44.13 Laquinzo Cloudy comma
7 49/48 [-4 -1 0 2 35.70 Zozo Semaphoresma, slendro diesis
7 64/63 [6 -2 0 -1 27.26 Ru Septimal comma, Archytas' comma, Leipziger Komma
7 3125/3087 [0 -2 5 -3 21.18 Triru-aquinyo Gariboh comma
7 50421/50000 [-4 1 -5 5 14.52 Quinzogu Trimyna comma
7 1029/1024 [-10 1 0 3 8.43 Latrizo Gamelisma
7 3136/3125 [6 0 -5 2 6.08 Zozoquingu Hemimean comma
7 65625/65536 [-16 1 5 1 2.35 Lazoquinyo Horwell comma
11 100/99 [2 -2 2 0 -1 17.40 Luyoyo Ptolemisma
11 176/175 [4 0 -2 -1 1 9.86 Lorugugu Valinorsma
13 91/90 [-1 -2 -1 1 0 1 19.13 Thozogu Superleap comma, biome comma
13 676/675 [2 -3 -2 0 0 2 2.56 Bithogu Island comma, parizeksma
  1. Ratios longer than 10 digits are presented by placeholders with informative hints


Antipental blues
6 4 2 3 5 5

Approximated from a hexatonic subset of the dwarf17marv scale. Contains lots of consonances from the subgroup while excluding the familiar harmonic 5.

3 3 8 3 8

A pentatonic and MOS scale somewhat resembling pelog.

3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3

A 9-tone MOS scale somewhat resembling pelog.

5 5 5 5 5

Somewhat resembles slendro. Is the blacksmith/blackwood[5] MOS. Is the same as 5edo.

Mabila/trismegistus justified pentatonic
3 3 9 2 8

A pentatonic subset of the mabila/trismegistus[16] MOS scale, it is those temperaments' pentatonic MOS, but with their complex 3/2 substituted in.

Mabila/trismegistus justified nonatonic
3 3 2 3 4 2 2 2 3 3

A 9-tone subset of the mabila/trismegistus[16] MOS scale, it is those temperaments' 9-tone MOS, but with their complex 3/2 substituted in.

1 1 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 5 1 1

A 13-tone MOS scale. A useful starting point for a scalesmith to find MODMOSes, or to find 4- to 9-tone subsets.

Amulet[idiosyncratic term]
2 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 2

A MODMOS of Magic[13]. It is the same as Magic[13], but with 4 tones shifted over by one chroma (the difference between MOS step sizes, in this case 4\25). This gives its intervals a more even spread, which makes it very useable as a chromatic-like scale. Can also be used to take 4- to 9-tone subsets.

Fennec[idiosyncratic term]
3 4 3 5 2 5 2

A subset of the amulet scale. Approximated from the original fennec scale of 14edo.

2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2

A 13-tone MOS scale with a lot of consonances available. Can be used as a chromatic-like scale. Can also be used to take 4- to 9-tone subsets.

Akebono I
4 2 9 4 6

A subset of the Passion[13] scale. Approximated from the original Akebono I scale of 12edo.

Unfair blackwood[10]
4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1

Named "unfair" (by Igliashon Jones) because of the predominance of the larger interval. The major triads come with the large supermajor third.

Fair blackwood[10]
3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2

Named "fair" (by Igliashon Jones) because larger and smaller interval are more balanced. The major triads come with the nice 5/4 major third.

Relationship to Armodue

Like 16edo and 23edo, 25edo contains the 9-note superdiatonic scale of 7L 2s (LLLsLLLLs) that is generated by a circle of heavily-flattened 3/2s (ranging in size from 5\9 or 666.67 cents, to 4\7 or 685.71 cents). The 25edo generator for this scale is the 672-cent interval. This allows 25edo to be used with the Armodue notation system in much the same way that 19edo is used with the standard diatonic notation; see the above interval chart for the Armodue names. Because the 25edo Armodue 6th is flatter than that of 16edo (the middle of the Armodue spectrum), sharps are lower in pitch than enharmonic flats.

Keyboard layout

Piano keyboard mm25.PNG


See Lumatone mapping for 25edo


Modern renderings

Johann Sebastian Bach
Marco Uccellini

21st century

Fabrizio Fulvio Fausto Fiale
Peter Kosmorsky
  • File:25edochorale.mid (10/14/10, 2.5.7 subgroup, a friend responded "The 25edo canon has a nice theme, but all the harmonizations from there are laughably dissonant. I showed them to my roomie and he found it disturbing, hahaha. He had an unintentional physical reaction to it with his mouth in which his muscles did a smirk sort of thing, without him even trying to, hahaha. So, my point; this I think this 25 edo idea was an example of where tonal thinking doesn't suit the sound of the scale.")
  • File:25_edo_prelude_largo.mid (2011, Blackwood)
Budjarn Lambeth
Claudi Meneghin
Herman Miller
No Clue Music
NullPointerException Music
Paul Rapoport
Tapeworm Saga
Chris Vaisvil