5L 2s Muddles

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The term "diatonic scale" is an umbrella term that not only refers to the 5L 2s MOS scale, but also to the group of muddles and MODmuddles that both resemble it and are related to it. This page is for the cataloguing of these muddles. For the sake of ease, "L1" refers to the larger of two large step sizes while "L2" refers to the smaller of two large step sizes, and likewise "s1" refers to the larger of two small step sizes while "s2" refers to the smaller of two small step sizes. For muddles where there's only a single size of large step, a simple "L" will be used, and likewise, for muddles where there's only a single size of small step, a simple "s" will be used.

3L1 2L2 2s

See also: Nicetone

The 3L1 2L2 2s muddle can be denoted as the Ptolemaic diatonic scale or as Nicetone on account of the 3L1 2L2 2s being the step-size combination of the well-known Ptolemaic Sequence. By default, the Ptolemaic diatonic scale has the pattern of L1L2sL1L2L1s, which was chosen as the standard arrangement for representing this particular step-size combination due to the Ptolemaic Sequence being a more evenly distributed MV3 scale, though to be fair, it is a chiral scale that has the other variant of L2L1sL1L2L1s.

2L1 3L2 2s

See also: Interdia

Aside from the Ptolemaic diatonic scale, the 2L1 3L2 2s muddle, which can be denoted as Interdia, is the one of the more frequently encountered 5L 2s muddles.

5L 1s1 1s2

The following 18edo irregular diatonics, which are derived by stacking alternating 667¢ and 733¢ fifths, belong to this category: 0-200-400-533-733-933-1133-1200 and 0-200-400-467-667-867-1067-1200.